The Accident

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— This chapter contains mild topics of  assault —

It was an accident, I swear! I-I didn't mean for this to happen!

I was fast asleep when I suddenly startled awake in a cold sweat. I had a sudden fear. What if Ashley was at Jake's house?!

I pulled my laptop off my dressing table and clicked onto the camera views. Oh. My. God. Ashley was in Jake's bedroom. They weren't *doing* anything, but they were sitting on his bed together and reading something on a phone.

Then, they stood up, gently grabbed each others's hand, and walked out the door, and out of Jake's house.

I continued to watch, paralyzed with fear. I knew what I had to do.

I jumped out of bed, pulled an XXL hoodie over my pajamas, and slid my feet into my old, worn down Birkenstocks. I slipped my phone into my hoodie pocket, and tiptoed out the door.


I ran down the street, my lungs aching. I needed to stop and catch my breath. But I couldn't. I needed to find Jake. I needed to make sure he was ok.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Ashley and Jake strolling down the sidewalk, hand in hand, giggling, cuddling, and their faces practically touching.

I ducked behind a tree. If they noticed me, it would be all over.

They sat down on a bench, and Jake wrapped his arm around Ashley and pulled her close. I could see her blushing. She was running her fingers through his hair and leaning against his shoulder. Disgusting.

The crisp, cool midnight air swirled around me as I burrowed deeper into my hoodie. Their faces were getting closer to each other's. I knew what was about to happen.

They were about to kiss again.

I had to bear the pain in silence at school, but this was so different. I-I just couldn't take it. I knew nobody would know if I did something terrible.

I didn't want to do it, I promise. A feeling just came over me. A mad, boiling feeling that made me want to punch Ashley in the face.

I glanced back at them. They were now in a passionate lip-lock. Anger was boiling inside me. I didn't want to do it. I promise, I didn't. It was like someone was controlling me.

In my peripheral vision, I saw a part of a white, hard, plastic pipe. It was dirty and cruddy, and there was probably a rat inside of it, but I slowly reached behind me and picked it up.

I promise, I didn't want to. It was like I was a marionette on strings.

I pulled my hood over my head, ran up to them, and smashed the pipe into Ashley's head. I only stood there for about half a second after I did what I did, but it felt like time slowed down.

Jake's face crinkled in pure horror. His mouth opened, letting out a long, loud, horrible scream. Tears were in his eyes, and he dropped to his knees. Ashley was screaming and crying and sobbing. Blood was running down her face, and she had collapsed onto the concrete, which was now stained crimson red. 

I ran as fast as I could, and while I was speeding away, I heard Jake's hoarse screams for help, and Ashley's sobs growing fainter and fainter.

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