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I felt sad every time I had to leave school. Because I couldn't watch Jake anymore. But, I figured out a solution. Last Summer, I acted very kind, helpful, and trustworthy for two weeks before Jake and his family's vacation.

They gave me the house key so that I could feed their dog and water their plants.

Three days before they left, I ordered a dozen security cameras on Amazon. I did feed their dog and water their plants, because I didn't want to lose their trust. But, three days after they left, the cameras came. I installed them in hidden locations where people couldn't see them. I hooked them up to my laptop.

Now, I can watch him from my house.

I still haven't found a way to sneak cameras into Ashley's apartment.

Sitting on my bed that night, I perched my laptop on my knees, and munched on some chips as I watched Jake jamming out on his guitar.

I smiled faintly, watching him bounce his shoulders, bob his head, and whip his hair around. He was wearing a loose-fitting black tank top, which hung off his masculine figure, showing off large muscles. My heart was melting.

I saw Jake's mom poke her head into his bedroom. I wish I could've afforded cameras with sound. It looked like she was talking, then Jake nodded, she left, and he put his guitar on his bed and walked out. I panicked. Where was he going?

I scrolled through the different rooms until I found Jake, his parents, and his younger sister sitting around the kitchen table. It appeared that his mom had made fried chicken.

My mouth watered at the heaping plates of food set before them all. They all bowed their heads in prayer for a moment, and dug into their food. I zoomed in on Jake. He ate neatly for a seventeen year old boy.

Grinning contentedly, I clicked off my laptop, slid my feet into some thick, rubber boots, and walked into the kitchen, carefully avoiding shards of glass, nails, and wood chips on the floor of the trailer.

On the dirty counter was a pizza box. I opened it, and immediately closed it and wrinkled my nose. It smelt at least a week old. I tossed it into the overflowing trashcan, and opened the fridge. It smelled rotten in there.

I picked up items, read expiration dates, then put them back down, until I stumbled across three slices of brown bread in a blue, plastic container. I picked them up and sniffed them. They smelled fresh, and there was nothing fuzzy growing on them, so I slapped two of them onto a plate, drizzled some honey over them, and brought my dinner back to my room.


As I chewed, I watched Jake play his guitar some more. I saw his lips moving, so I imagined him singing a soft love song. Just for me.

He was now in a plain white t-shirt and red, flannel pajama pants. His younger sister sat on his bed, swinging her short legs, nodding her head, and smiling a small, metal-filled smile.


I fell asleep with my head tilted back on my pillow and my laptop sliding down my legs.

I dreamed happy Jake dreams, knowing that he was safe in his own house. Without Ashley.

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