Chapter 2

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"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light..." ~Helen Keller

"Honey, I'm home!!!" Spera yelled as she opened the door to their home. She pulled her jacket off of her and placed it on the coat rack.

"About time!" Kana yelled back as she faced her, holding a spatula in one hand. Kana Ignis was a pretty girl. Dead straight brown hair that become an orange-reddish glow when hit by the sun, slightly tanned golden-yellow skin and green cat eyes.

"I've just finished supper." She announced and Spera clapped her hands in delight.

"What is it?" She asked enthusiastically before throwing the wallet and the other things she stole in their cabinets. They were labeled: wallets, bags, books, clothes, accessories and other stuff. The stolen food were placed in the kitchen. Sometime's when in desperate need of money, they'd sell the stuff that they stole which is tricky to do without getting caught.

"Fried chicken." Kana replied.

Nothing fancy but not too shabby either.

"Where did you get it?" Spera asked, wanting to know if it was stolen, bought or given.

"Ms. France 'gave' me one of her chickens to take care of." Kana replied, putting emphasis on the word gave for she knew that even though Spera stole things as well, she hated doing it sometimes and was self-conscious of the fact that they took sonething from someone.

Spera chuckled amused. "That was nice of her. I wonder what she'll say when she found out you fried one of her beloved chickens."

"Hey! I told you that she gave it to us! Plus, it died fighting so you should respect the fact that I went through all this trouble to cook it for us!" Kana huffed.

"Yeah. I mean, fried food is the only thing you can cook right?" Spera retorted.

"Hey!" Kana replied, offended.

"Kidding, kidding." Spera said as she backed away into their small living room.


"Spera!" A woman with fiery red hair yelled, reaching for the six-year old who was ten feet away.

"Aunt Red! Mommy!!!" The little girl cried out.

The last thing the little girl heard was a high-pitched scream of her aunt and a haunting...

"No! Not Spera! Please not her!!!"

Spera jolted awake. This wasn't new to her. The dream rather, the nightmare was all she dreamt about when she was a child, it haunted her. She didn't know if it really happened before or if it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

She groaned, rubbing her forehead as she felt a headache come.

Kana opened her eyes and sat up when she saw her best friend awake.

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. Just a small headache." Spera reassured her with a smile.

"Alright, wouldn't want you passing out on your birthday now, would I?" Kana grinned.

Spera growled, looking at her watch that was on their bedside table. Their unit only had one bedroom, a kitchen/dining room, a small living room (it's not actually a room, just a space in the room) and a bathroom.

"Don't remind me." She said, burrowing her face into a pillow. She didn't particularly hate her birthday, nor did she like it.

"Oh shush! I can't believe that my baby girl is finally eighteen! I'm not your legal guardian anymore, doll! You can do whatever you want now and I won't be blamed for it!" Kana rambled on and on about the benefits of being eighteen. You could practically see the glow in her eyes.

The time has finally come...

I waited so long for this moment, now it's you're turn....

I'm coming for you... Spera.

Spera was suddenly hit with another wave of headache, seemingly more painful than the first. She clutched her head in pain.

Kana noticing her friend's agony, rushed to her friend's side one hand holding Spera's hand whilst the other checked her temperature.

Black dots started clouding Spera's vision.


She blacked out.



Picture of Kana Ignis above XD I'm really excited about her character and you should be too... >\\\<

Hope you enjoyed!


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