Chapter 4

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"Do you know, Ellie, what a group of ravens are called? They're called an Unkindness. Isn't that strange? An Unkindness. Well... it's something to think about."

Amy S. Foster, When Autumn Leaves

"You never mentioned having a sister!" Spera exclaimed as she and Kana prepared breakfast.

"I think I have, a few ti..." Kana stopped when she saw the look her best friend gave her and smiled sheepishly. "Okay... maybe not. We don't really have a good past."

"Mmhmmm..." Spera raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"We were separated to different orphanages when we were young, I was 8 and she was 9..." Kana answered a half lie, half truth answer.

"What does she look like?"

Kana paused. "You don't have to ask," Spera gave her a  confused look. "She's already here..."

As if on cue, Alisa walked inside the dining area as if she owned the place. "Hello, Spera! I've heard so much about you!!!"

Spera smiled. "I wish I could say the same about you..." Giving Kana a pointed look.

"I'm Alisa Corvum!" Alisa said, flashing her best smile. Spera fidgeted nervously, because for some reason there was something off about Alisa's smiles.

"You and Kana have different last names?" Spera asked and Alisa waved her hand.

"Yep, I was adopted by the Corvum family not long after Kana and I got separated." Alisa said, lying easily giving a small nostalgic smile that could fool anybody but Kana who glared at her.

Spera smiled before narrowing her eyes. "Hang on..." Suddenly, the room become tense and Alisa's body went rigid. Spera raised a hand up and...

Took something from Alisa's hair. Not just any 'something' What she took from Alisa's hair was a sleek, black feather with the length of her wrist to index.

Alisa gasped. "Oh my! How embarassing!!! I was taking a walk in the woods this morning, it probably got stuck in my hair!" Alisa cupped her cheeks, feigning embarassment.

Spera laughed light-heartedly. "Don't worry, it happens all the time." She held up the feather, it shimmered blue in the light. "But it really is pretty though..." She said dreamily and this time, Alisa blushed for real.

"Can I keep it?"

To anyone, this question would have been weird. What type of 18-year old would want to have a feather just because it was pretty?

Spera, noticing Alisa giving her strange looks, immediately straightened up.

"Sorry, stupid question. Um... I'll just throw it in the trash."

"No!" Alisa yelled out before coughing a slight 'ehem' "It's yours." She smiled.

"So..." Kana cut in, before smiling devilishly. "Let's eat!"


"What a pretty pendant!" Alisa crooned, holding one of Spera's most valuable posessions. It was a silver crescent moon with a blue orb in the middle.

"Where did you get it?" She asked and Spera shrugged.

"My mom gave it to me... I think. I've had it for so long, I forgot." She chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh okay..." Alisa smiled again.

Spera stood up, suddenly remembering she had work.

"I have to go." And then she ran out.

"Bye!" Alisa called out before turning to her younger sister, giving her a sinister grin.

"That went well."


Spera knew that something was up.

Kana told her everything! It wasn't possible that she left out the fact that she had an older sister because she forgot.

She was on a motorcycle, going to work part-time as librarian.


Librarian by day, thief by night. It was the best choice because no one would ever think that a nice, quiet librarian could be a thief.

came to a halt in front of the public library. Spera put on her glasses (fake, of course) and hurried out.

"Thanks." She muttered while paying the driver. He nodded once and left.

Above her, she heard a flutter of wings. Looking up she found a crow... or maybe a raven on one of the railings to the entrance.

She wasn't superstitious so she merely shrugged it off and walk past it.

That's weird, I've never seen a raven or a crow with dark green eyes before...

Spera thought before walking inside the library doors. Little did she know that the raven was watching her every move.



Pic. of  Alisa Corvum in her raven form above! ^-^ Oh and my sister sent me a new cover for SPERA, thanks! >_<♥ Which one is better, this one or the old one?

QOTD: What is the difference between a crow and a raven??

Hope you enjoyed!


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