Chapter 6

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"Dreams, my mother always told me, represend part of our unconsciousness--the place where we store the true parts of our soul, away from the rest of the world."

~Kailin Gow, Bitter Frost


"Spera? You in there?"

It was Kana. Spera sighed in relief. "Yeah, what do you want?"

"I heard yells so I came up, you okay?" Came the muffled response.

I am most definitely NOT okay. Spera thought.

"I'm fine." She answered as she tried to steady herself.

At the other side of the door, Kana paused, hand at the doorknob.

She knew when her best friend was lying, just by the voice as they knew each other for so long.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay, but if you need me, I'll be downstairs."

"Right. Thanks, Kana."

A three-word reply...Spera only replies with minimum words with her when something's up.

"I'll call you when supper's ready?" Yet, she dismissed it too quickly. Spera was 18 now and everybody has their secrets.

"Sure. Thanks."

Spera muttered a small prayer when she heard Kana's retreating footsteps. She knew that even though Kana, a thief that she was, was the most protective among the two, almost like a second mother to Spera if she ever knew her first one. She could always tell when Spera lied, like a machine monitored to detect it.

Warning! Warning! Your best friend is lying, you moron! Spera chuckled as she thought of that phrase being said in Kana's head whenever she muttered a lie.

She didn't want Kana to worry, just right after she was brought to a hospital. Plus, they were too poor to pay any hospital bills.

Kana had to sell one of their antique items from a later stealing experience.

She sat down on her bed, head resting on her hands.

I probably just need some rest. She thought as she came up with said conclusion. Some sleep, that's what I need. She giggled to herself, thinking of the way the words rhymed.

That's how she came to a conclusion that she really needed mental help... just right after she falls asleep.


Spera opened her eyes and blinked in utter confusion at the sight that she met.

She was still in Kana and her's bedroom but everything had a soft blue glow in it, like she was in another realm.

She sat up on the side of her bed, noticing she was in a light-blue silky dress. For some reason, she had no control over her body.

She stood up and edged closer to the door, twisting the doorknob, slowly gently opening the door.

Spera went to their living area where there was the old, ratty carpet they had bought on the floor.

A noise made her stop moving and she noticed a raven perched on their windowsill, the raven had its head tilted to the side, green eyes staring straight into her soul as if expecting something from her. It took flight into the room before landing on the edge of the carpet and started pecking and clawing at the floor.

For some unknown reason, she knew that the bird was a raven not a crow. And she also knew that this was the raven she saw by the library.

Spera walked dazedly to the bird and rolled the carpet a little bit to see what the raven was fussing about.

There on the wooden floor was a loose floor board. Spera watched herself remove it and something from the floor. Her amulet suddenly started glowing and it vibrated so hard that she had to pull it a bit from her chest.

On the other hand, she held the item she had gotten from the floor, it was wrapped in an old yellowish cloth.

Spera suddenly felt herself slipping away. And a light flashed in front of her.

Before she could fade away fully, she saw herself glance at her, smirk and hold an index finger to her lips.



Here's chapter 6!>\\\< Pic. of Sera's amulet above! ^-^

Hope you enjoyed and please VOMMENT!


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