Chapter 5

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"When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat."
~Ronald Reagan

A hand slammed on top of Spera's desk as she sorted through a few library cards. She looked up with a glare knowing only one person that had the guts to do that when she was busy.

And that person was no other than the other part-timer Sylvia Luce.

She smiled brightly at Spera.

"What do you want?" Spera almost growled out.

Sylvia giggled, the sound like chimes on the window and a few people smiled at the sound but it didn't seem to bother Spera, in fact she hated it. From the moment Sylvia walked through the doors, she knew.

They were meant to hate each other.

Still, Sylvia was always cheery around her. Heck, she was cheery around everybody!

"I heard you were brought to the hospital, the day of your birthday, what happened??"

Sylvia was, to others, the epitome of innocence. Short, wavy, blond hair. Big, blue eyes and a perfect heart-shaped face with a petite figure.

Next to her, Spera felt so...


"Nothing much, I was just tired." Spera waved it off.

Sylvia gasped. "You should've just taken the day off to rest, I would've covered for you!"

Spera forced a smile. "It's fine."


The whole day, Spera felt as though someone was watching her. She was becoming agitated and her adrenaline for some reason was at a high peak.

That's when it started.

"God, I hate my boss! If only I could kill him!"

"If he's having an affair then I'm going to have an affair... Oh look, he's cute. I wonder if he wants to sleep with me as well..."

"I can't believe that guy..."

"How do you cover up a dead body?"

"Crappy books, doesn't have anything on them!"

Spera held a hand to her forehead as she looked around the room and all the people in there. Her eyes, scanned through every face and for some reason, she knew everyone of them.

She spotted a girl with her friend, talking and she could tell that the girl was telling her friend she had leukemia. A boy on the other side of the room was dumped by his girlfriend. The man and woman by the stairs were having a small face -off.

Before she could look at anyone else, a finger poked her cheek. She was met with the the worried face of Sylvia Luce.

"Are you alright? You seem pale..." She said, raising a hand to Spera's forehead but she moved away before they're skin came in contact and ran outside the library doors.


Sylvia smiled to herself.

It's finally happening. You don't know how long my sisters and I waited for this... Spera.

She giggled, the sound resonating. It was coming.

The day when she could come home again.

She hated everything about this world. The plastic people, the dirtied innocence, the condition of their environment, the ignorance of the people, the corruption everywhere.

Her world was dying, that was certain. But this world's already far too gone.

She smiled, pressing the book she was holding to her chest before skipping back into work.


Spera ran like a madwoman to the parking lot.

On the way there, she accidentally bumped into an old man who was holding a cup of hot coffee.

Shit! She thought.

And everything went in slow motion. Literally.

The people around her staryed moving very slowly and the birds in the sky paused, midair.

Spera caught the cup easily, as if grabbing it out of thin air. The coffee slowly went back from the air inside the cup, defying all the laws the universe had to offer.

Then, everything went back to normal.

Her eyes widened as her brain started to process what was happening. She was shaken out of her impossible thoughts when she noticed that the old man was still in front of her.

She apologized before returning the cup. The old man nodded once and left.

Even though the impossible just happened, she couldn't help but wonder why the old man looked exactly like the taxi driver earlier.

She shook it off before something else caught her eye.

This can't be happening. She thought.

Her motorcycle was in the parking lot.

And the keys were in the ignition.


When Spera came home, the first thing she did was run to her bedroom and lock the door.

The next thing she did was scream and have a mental breakdown.

"Okay! Okay! I am officialy losing it!" She yelled, running a hand through her hair.

She stopped when she heard the knocks on the door to her bedroom.



Pic. of Sylvia Luce above! That's how I imagined how she would look like except for the shape of the face. CX

I hope you enjoyed!

And please VOMMENT!!!


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