Chapter 7

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"Doing whats right is never easy ... You think you're right, but you lose track of what you were trying to do all along and then there's blood and screaming and death.Doing a bad thing for a good end just sours the good.

~Janice Hardy, Blue Fire 


It was a Sunday.

Meaning Kana was out enjoying her day off and Alisa was off to who knows where.

It was the perfect chance for Spera to check if her dream was real. Which was stupid. But to her, if the item wouldn't be there then she'd stop all this nonsense and laugh it off, for get about anything strange that had happened after her birthday. If it was real then...

She wouldn't know what to do.

Spera decided to do things step-by-step and figure out her plan along the way.

The living are gave her a strange feeling of nostalgia as it looked exactly the same in her dream.

She shook it off ang stalked towards tgeir old carpet, the floorboards creaking beneath her.

Taking a deep breath, she lifted the side of the rug exactly as she did in her dream and her eyes widened as she saw a crescent shaped carving on one of the wooden boards.

She pulled the wood gently, using her fingertips and it came off easily. Reaching in, her hand rummaged through the darkness until she felt something soft brush her hand, like silk.

"What are you doing?"

Spera shrieked and swung her arm towrds the intruder as a reflex, being a thief and all, hand-to-hand combat was one of her specialties.

But the figure immediately caught her by the arm. Spera's eyes followed the hand on her arm towards the person's face and she was met with the striking green eyes of Alisa Corvum which made her relax, knowing that she was no intruder.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" Spera breathed out. Alisa smiled, obviously amused by her actions. "And you, almost decapitated my head." She shot back haughtily.

"But you still haven't answered my question." Spera looked to the ground as her braingears whirred up an excuse.

"I was trying to fix the floor... it creaked under my weight so..." Alisa raised an eyebrow.

"Then how come I see no hammer nor single nail."

Spera's heart dropped and she knew for real, that once in her life, she was absolutely screwed.


"So you've been having dreams, then?... Among other things..." Alisa concluded and Spera nodded.

Usually she'd breakdown and run to Kana but she was caught in the act by Alisa. She didn't think Alisa even knew about their little side jobs.

After she was caught lying, which was uncommon because she was always able to come up with different kinds of excuses in different kinds of situations with the cops and none of them were able to tell that she was lying though Kana was always there to save her is she messed up, she told Alisa everything... from her birthday to her dream last night.

For some reason, Alisa was very understanding and didn't take her to an asylum after she had finished her story, which she would be eternally grateful for because if it were Kana, she'd be stuck in bed while her best friend fussed over her.

"First off, Kana was right, you are bad at lying... It was absolutely horrifying!" Alisa said, her face contorted into a picture of disdain.

"Well, forgive me." Spera muttered through gritted teeth. She hated it when people looked down on her. Perhaps because it made her feel... pathetic.

"Second," Spera watched in confusion as Alisa stood up and went to crouch down in front of the floorboard ang got something from the inside, most probably what Spera wasn't able to get.

Like in the dream, it was wrapped in an old yellowish cloth, but it was bigger than what appeared in her dream.

Alisa thrust it towards her, holding it up with both hands. "Wha-?"

"Why don't we check for ourselves?" The corners of Alisa's mouth curled upwards, a noticeable spark in her emerald eyes as she smiled.


Inside, Alisa glowed with happiness. It was finally happening. Spera was finally learning about her world and she's awakened a few of her gifts.

If Kana knew about what she was doing, she would never be forgiven. But to her, it was worth it. It didn't matter anyway, Spera would soon figure it out herself and who knows what she'd do without someone guiding her? It was too risky. It was reckless for Ignis to think that she could hide her from this. She taught her to be a thief, for crying out loud! Alisa thought.

Besides, Ignis had always hated her guts when they were children. It was already a fact in their relationship. A lazy, screwed up older sister but can always do things perfectly and get the praise of others and a hard-working, stubborn younger sister who always works herself to the bone so that she could show everyone that she can be as good as her sister but can never make it to her level either.

Technically speaking,

They were a match made in the underworld.

This was a selfish thing to do but even Alisa was sick of this world. It had too much heartbreak...

If there was one thing she learned in being sent to this world is that,

Love is pain. Everyone just leaves, dies or betrays you. Stabs you on the back when you're not looking and she found more of that pain in this world.

Yet she also didn't want to go back home very much because of what she might face. It might be worse than here or better.

That was who Alisa was, it was engraved in her soul that she would never have the ability to make up her mind which lead her to run away from everything and she was tired of that. She wanted a chance to do something right just for once in her life.

Alisa wanted a chance to redeem herself and for some reason, she believed she'd find it here.


The pic above is what's inside the cloth XD Hope you'll enjoy this EXTRA long chappie!




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