Part 2: Reality check

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In the elevator standing tall with her 6-inch heels and a black dress showing off her legs with the tallest French vanilla cappuccino, she could find Denise was still half asleep. Two handsome men were also on the elevator, standing there trying not to stare. Denise pays them no attention waiting for the doors to open only to see her nosey but loyal Secretary Bre. The elevator opens and there's Bre with gossip and a hand full of messages.

Bre: guess who's getting fired.....oOoOwee look at you honey...*looks Denise up and down* Who u getting fancy for?

Denise walks past and Bre follows after her

Denise (rolls eyes) myself & keep that gossip mess to's too early for negative energy ... it not healthy *she sits down

Bre: girl I know but I stay with hot tea, you gotta be the first person I tell

Denise :whatever *giggles* my messages please

Bre: okay, have a meeting in two hours and a 3 o clock, 5:15, and 5:45 meeting today.

Denise: okay....I know there are more

Bre: your crazy friend Tink called, your ob-gyn called, and your mom called twice...nothing seemed wrong...she said to call her back asap before she kicks your ass.

Denise: lol, thanks Bre .call my ob back and reschedule for next Friday.

Bre: you still going to the gyno like you have sex *she busts out laughing,

Denise gives her that gtfo my office look.

Bre: okay okay im going. *Bre closes the door behind her*

Denise checks her emails and looks at her watch, she still has an hour and a half before her meeting, should I call tink back and listen to her dramatic guy issues or call her mom Jessica whom she was very close to, and get lectured...Denise calls her mom.

Jessica: hello

Denise: hi mommy, what are you doing?

Jessica: hi baby, nothing trying to get your father up so we can hit brunch. . how's my future company owner doing? What is doing this morning?

Denise: I'm good. nothing much getting prepared for my meeting. .how's daddy? And what do you know about hitting up anything? She laughs

Jessica: he's good, lazy like always. you must not know I'm hip..I know all the slang* they both laugh*

Denise: whatever ma, what's up? I know you calling for a reason.

Jessica: NOT really...well you know what...

Denise sits back in her chair because she already knows she's about to get it..

Jessica: Tiara is getting married

Denise: aww that's great, tell her I said congrats. ..ill send something over later today...she's marrying Robert, right?

Jessica: *clears her throat* yeah, it's so good to see a young black couple get married.

Denise: *sighs* that's true mom.

Jessica: Denise she asked me who were you bringing to the wedding and i said no one

No one Denise. You are a beautiful girl you need to be the next one to get married.

Denise: I understand mom, I'm not ready for that just yet....maybe in a couple of years

Jessica: COUPLE YEARS? Oh nooo I need grandchildren, I'm not gonna be half dead when u pop out my grandbabies.

-*Bre knocks twice and walks right in*

Bre: Andrea on line two..*walks out

Denise: Okay mom I have a business call coming thru..*talking fast*I love you, ttyl, tell daddy I love him *she hangs up*

Her mom always talked the same mess about relationships, maybe she just wasn't ready. She took a deep breath and picked up her second line.

Denise: hello

Andrea: it's too early to be stressed, by the way, good morning.

Denise: good morning, I just got off the phone with my mom. You know how this is.

Andrea: ahhh man, this early? Okay don't even think about busy tonight?

Denise: well...I got a new flavored ice cream I really wanna try and Netflix has some I wanna watch but...

Andrea: that's not busy that's boring...we hitting Club Sky tonight! Me you and Tink baby!

-Sky was one of the most popular clubs in LA. You had to be somebody to even touch the doors.

Denise: let me guess your fucking the promoter?

Andrea: uhhhh don't try to hoe me...Free everything, free bottles, fine men. ..Yesss it's about to go downnnn.

Denise: ill think.. Andrea cuts her off

Andrea: we'll be there at 10 grannies, dress cute please, you'll have fun love Ya byeeee* hangs up

Denise set the phone down with an attitude. She hated going out. The club scene wasn't her thing. She loved staying in with a good movie, a couple of snacks, and maybe a toy or two. Andrea was also Denise's bestfriend. She, Andrea, and Tink had been cool since high school. Maybe this is what she needed, A night with the girls.

All she could think was..

It's gonna be a long night.

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