Part 5: So Special

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There she was...Denise sitting in her living room chair looking like a nervous sixteen-year-old girl. All dolled up with her short but cute pink dress, long sleek ponytail with a feathered bang, and gold pumps. She looked at her shoes thinking "he's pretty short but taller than me. Maybe I should change " she looked at the clock, it was already 7:25 she didn't feel like looking for more shoes. He'll probably be late, maybe he won't show up. She thought too soon, she heard the doorbell. She made her way to her front door and opened the door to see Kendrick with his black and plaid button-up and khaki pants with his huge budget. Denise glances for a second but quickly looked at his face. He was standing there with one white rose and his cute gaped smile.

Kendrick: you look beautiful *hands her the rose*

Denise: thank you, you don't look too bad yourself.

Kendrick: *laughed* are you ready? Or do you need a minute?

Denise: I'm ready, let me just grab my bag.

Denise invites Kendrick in and heads to the kitchen to grab her purse. Kendrick steps in watching Denise's fat round ass jiggle in her dress then and looks around in amazement.

Kendrick: this is nice *looking around* Denise: thank you, I worked hard for this. I'm ready, let's go.

Kendrick and Denise head out the door walking up to a black truck. Kendrick opens her door and she hops in. He gets in and the driver pulls off. As they head down the road there's nothing but weird silence.

Kendrick tries his best to make conversation.

Kendrick: you were right, that dress is even better.

Denise: *slight smile* thanks, just something in my closet.

It's quiet once again. Denise is looking out her window looking like a homesick puppy while Kendrick looks over at her. Kendrick wanted to ask her if she wanted to go back home since she looked so unhappy to be with him. The restaurant was right around the corner so he declined. A couple of minutes passed and they pulled up to the restaurant. A cute little place in downtown Los Angeles. Denise saw the place a couple of times but had never actually been there. Kendrick gets out of the car to open the door..he grabs her hand and she steps out. A couple of people on the street stare in amazement, Kendrick waves at a couple of girls yelling his name from across the street and they walk in the restaurant.

Denise: I know you are used to that *fixing her dress*

Kendrick: yeah, but not really... it's still all new to me.

Denise looks at him like nigga please when a man walks up to Denise and Kendrick.

Ralph: hello *shakes hands* I'm the owner. It's such an honor for you to be here tonight, Mr. Lamar.

Kendrick: it's a pleasure, I really love the food here. Thank you for honoring my request.

Ralph: *looking at Denise* wow your girlfriend is gorgeous.

Kendrick: actually she's...*Denise cuts him off*

Denise: I'm not his girlfriend.

They stand there in silence. Ralph changes the subject.

Ralph: well everything's ready Mr.Lamar, enjoy your evening guys.

Kendrick: thank you again

Ralph: no, thank you, sir.

Kendrick: Denise can you close your eyes

Denise: huh?

Kendrick: can you please do it, you can trust me.

Denise started thinking about the whole trust thing.. that's something she didn't believe, in trusting a man anymore, but she did it. He grabbed her hands and lead her deeper into the restaurant. They reach their table when Kendrick says "open your eyes " Denise opened her eyes to see an empty restaurant with candles everywhere they were standing next to a table with a vase of white roses like the one he brought earlier. Denise actually felt special, nothing like this had been done for her before.

Kendrick: do you like it?

Denise: I love it, wow this is a lot. *Smiling still kinda speechless*

Kendrick: not really I think it could have been more. I just work so much, this was last minute.

Denise: *thinking last minute? * it's perfect

Kendrick and Denise sit down at the table to enjoy 80's & 90's R&B music. Finally, the conversation started. It was so natural and honest. Denise and Kendrick share facts and stories about a little of everything. Denise couldn't stop smiling. That was a first. After the second glass of wine, Denise was feeling even more amazing. The dessert was on its way , and waiting patiently they continued with the conversation.

Denise: I love chocolate strawberries

Kendrick: Me too, I wonder where they purchase the strawberries from? They're pretty big.

Denise thinks about how big that budge is in his pants. That's what was big.

Denise: ....oh...I like the strawberries but I usually just lick and suck the chocolate off. It's a bad habit.

Kendrick: *smiled and bits lip* oh you like chocolate?

Denise: I like it a lot. Especially when it's warm.

Kendrick smiled and rubbed his hand against hers. ..the waitress walks up and Denise quickly pulls her hand from his. They ate the strawberries but from that point on the night was a little uncomfortable. Soon enough they were on their way out the restaurant door and in front of Denise's door. Like a gentleman, Kendrick walked her to her door.

Kendrick: I like you, I Like you a lot.

Denise* thinking doesn't say it but it comes out* I like you too

Kendrick: I hope so, I have a couple of shows out of state. When I come back can I see you?

Denise: yeah that's cool.

Kendrick walks closer to her , they are now facing to face. Kendrick turns his neck to gently kiss her cheek. Denise's eye's closed just standing there. He steps back.

Kendrick: have a goodnight.

-Kendrick walks down the stairs with his hands in her pockets as the driver opens his door. Denise standing on her porch watches the black truck leave her driveway. She stepped into her home and turned on the lights and felt the cold marble floor touch her feet. She was wondering if she should have invited Kendrick in. His warm body would have been nice right now. She needed a warm dick or a warm drink. She sat in her office mind full of thoughts, that's where she felt important. she received a text " I would love to make you mines one day, I miss you already " it was from Kendrick. Denise read the message and put the phone down. She didn't know what to say, she didn't wanna believe him. He was an upcoming rapper with millions of female fans. why did this happen? Why her? She left her phone in her office and went to bed with her eyes full of tears.

For what reason, she didn't know.

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