Part 8: All Night

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The smile hadn't left her face. Denise walked into the house and immediately started looking for the sexiest lingerie she could find. A lace cream bra and thong or completely naked. She felt like Kendrick would enjoy pulling off something instead. She pulled out her best candles and went to the couch and sat down. Watching "The Simpson's " she fell asleep. It was 4:20 in the morning and Kendrick was at the door. Denise opens it her natural ponytail was everywhere.

Kendrick:*biting the strings on his hoodie strings* you fell asleep on me?

Denise:*itches her head* I did, sorry.

Kendrick looked so cute with his white TDE white hoodie, black hoop shorts, and Nike flip-flops. Denise went back to the couch and laid down.

Kendrick: what watching?

Denise: I don't even know, I was watching The Simpsons before I fell asleep.

Denise layed across Kendrick's lap with her hands in her shorts looking up at his adorable face.

Denise:*softly* can I hear that track you did tonight?

Kendrick was just looking at Denise's face, he didn't say anything.

Denise: *pulls his ear* Hellooooo

Kendrick:*runs his hand over his face*yeah

Denise: Tisk tisk. You'll sleep next....

Kendrick: Nah, the only way I'm going to sleep is after I'm done. I'm going to sleep inside you.

Kendrick and Denise start play fighting then they both lay down and start cuddling. "God his body felt so good," Denise thought. Kendrick runs his hands down her shorts and grips her ass. Denise kissed his neck and pushed her head into his chest.

Kendrick: Your ass is so soft.


Kendrick: Denise?

Denise fell asleep. Kendrick lifted up to see and she was knocked out. He couldn't be mad it was 5:30 AM. He just looked at her...her lips full, the imprints of her nipple rings poked thru her top. He started to feel guilty, he knew he wasn't being completely honest with her. He was selfish and he knew it. But he wanted to enjoy the peace she brought him. He slipped his hoodie off and layed up under her. This was better than the cold nights he spent at home. It was like instinct Denise grabbed his head in her arms and he fell asleep on her chest.

The light shined through the window and the birds chirp loudly Denise started waking up. She felt Kendrick's hands up the back of her shorts and noticed she was basically in the fetal position. She plays with his hair and starts to rub his face. She knew that she wanted this to be her man, maybe one day her husband. He was holding her so tight she had to slip from under him, she headed to her room. Stripping off her clothing piece by piece, she felt yucky in the clothes from yesterday. She hits the shower singing happily. Denise stepped out to find not one towel in her bathroom. She opened the door to see Kendrick laying in her bed. Denise screamed! She did not want Kendrick to see her, as childish as it seemed.

Kendrick: you good?

Denise: Nooooo, I didn't know you were in here.

Kendrick:*cracking up* I saw everything let me see it again.

Denise: I'm about to put my damn pajamas on.

Kendrick: are you about to fall asleep again? Denise: no, shut up and hand me a towel.

*Kendrick gets up and gets a towel out of the clean clothes basket. He knocked once, she cracked the door & snatched the towel and closed the door. Denise puts on her PJs and walked out of the room to see Kendrick on his phone. She was not having that. She walked to the bed and kissed him passionately, his phone dropped right out of his hand and he cuffed right under her butt. She starts to take off Kendrick's shirt. she felt his dick start to poke out of the hole in his boxers. She took her hand and pulled it out and moved down. Moving down as her ass was posted in the air he was now harder than a brick. Her lips cuffed around the head...when the phone rang...hearing the ringtone she knew it was Bre...It had to be important.

Denise: Are you serious, I gotta take this.

Kendrick: Are you serious?? *He gave her the funniest look*

Denise:*picks up* yea bre

Bre: *Panicking* oh my Google, where have you been?

Denise: I'm in Canada...

Bre: Don't bull crap me, Denise, this is an emergency.

Denise: what's going on?

Kendrick couldn't believe that they got interrupted again. He didn't give a shit what was going on, He stuck his hand right down her boyshorts and began to...Denise grasps "oooh shit"

Bre: Hol up, what the fuck is going on over there? Put your damn toy down and talk to me!!!

Denise tried moving Kendrick's hand but he wouldn't budge- stfu , I'm not...Kendrick says "Nah this ain't no toy baby"

Bre: Gurllll you got a real live man at your house? Who is he? The mailman? Oh is it the dude that sells those good-ass subs on the lunch truck? He's pretty cute but...that's a low step for y...

Denise: *quietly* if you want you to want your job ima to need you to tell me what's going on?????

Kendrick keeps whispering in her ear "do you like that?" And "want it inside you don't you?" She just shook her head, she didn't want Bre in no more of business.

Bre: ima need you to send the sub man home, mailman, plumber, whoever ever home, or you will lose your whole company website in the next hour.

Denise: I'll be there

Kendrick: No you won't.

Denise & Bre:Yes I (she) will

He removed his hand and walked into the bathroom. Denise was on her way to her job. This was her first baby. If he didn't understand ol' well. She couldn't make him cancel a show for her. The sex wasn't going any where, but she. Knew her company could be gone in a matter or moments.

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