Part 16: Tour Life

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4 weeks and 24 shows later Denise was 18 weeks pregnant and feeling every piece of it. She hung with the boys most of the time, their shenanigans got tiring. Kendrick was spoiling the shit out of Denise. She found out what she was having while they were out and about on tour. A son to be named "King Lamar Duckworth " and he was more spoiled than She was. Finally getting a couple of days to come home. Denise was tired of flying everywhere.

Denise: I'm happy as Hell we going home tomorrow.

Kendrick: I know you are, you hung in there with me fa real. On some ride-or-die shit.

Dave: Naw, she just don't wanna pay for two plane tickets with her big butt.

Denise: you're trying to play me like a ham and that's fine...when I cook when we get home you are NOT invited.

*Everybody laughs and clowns dave*

Dave: and that's fine, ima take the pregnancy pillow and cut that boy uppp...

Denise: *jumped up* Noooo...You bet not touch my fucking pillow!!! I swear on King.

Kendrick: don't swear on my son over no pillow girl. He's not gonna touch that pillow.

*Ron walks onto the tour bus*

Ron: alright y'all we got 30 minutes until sound check. check your mic, you kno get a feel for the arena. Y'all know what to do.

Jay Rock: finally a nigga was tired of waiting on them to get that shit together.

Brian: we getting the fuck off this bus for a minute, I need some air.

Denise: I'm going to sleep, just wake me up Showtime.

Kendrick: alright babe, call me if you need anything. *They kiss*

Ali: somebody will be making a food run in 10 minutes you'll be hungry...

Denise gave Ali the middle finger and went to the back where Kendrick's bed was at. King was cutting up moving around from her hip to her rib cage, to her bladder in a matter of minutes. "If you don't stop it right now I'm telling your daddy, "she said to her belly. Instantly he slowed down .that was total bullshit that Kendrick had control of her son when she was the one carrying him. She layed down with her cozy pregnancy pillow and drifted off...

They sent Antwon on the bus to wake up Denise.

Antwon: Wake up pregnant lady.

He turned on the light to see Denise laying there. -Come on girl wake your fat self up. He looked down at the cover to see patches of red. When he lifted the cover back he realized it was blood, and it was a lot of it.

Antwon: what the fuck????

He ran off the bus -Kendrick man she ain't waking up, hurry man...

Kendrick pushed anybody that was on his way to get that bus, he ran to the back to see Denise laying in a large puddle of blood...the tears ran down his face as he held her in his arms...she was still bleeding and heavy....


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