Chapter 1

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He was being chased by them, the danger to his kind. Through the forest, he ran, leaping over branches and ducking below collapsed trees and not breaking his stride. He knew what was at stake here and he had to succeed. He was holding a kind of package which once revealed would bring an end to the intergalactic hunters forever which he had been tasked with by his king to bring.

"He is over there, cut him off" He heard the abominable creatures yell over the dark sky which sent a new wave of fear through him.

Up ahead, was the gateway in which he had come through years ago for the very mission he was undertaking. He pumped more strength into his legs so as to get to the gateway before he was caught, however when he was about 10 paces away from the gateway, he felt a rope tighten around his throat and pull him back with an inhuman force to rival those of his kind and when he fell, he let out a large gasp as the air was knocked out of him.

"Did you somehow think that you could escape with your cargo, demon?" He heard from behind him.

"No, I was only hoping to escape"

"I know right? You demons think that you are somehow superior to the rest of the human race but you are wrong." He heard a feminine voice reply.

The demon knew he was done for, these Demon Hunters were not known for their benevolence instead for their brutality against the demons that occupied the majority of the cosmos. He had failed in his mission he knew that for sure, but what was worse than a demon getting caught was, being captured alive and returned to the Stone Academy. This he knew very well and that was why he decided to make a very deadly yet best choice for himself, suicide.

The demon then ran towards their leader who was a young dangerous-looking man with double swords and who stood like one that could bring down an entire coven of demons without breaking a sweat. He leapt at the hunter and shifted to his more feral state, as a hulking beast, part man part wolf and then dropped towards the hunter.

The hunter dodged to the side swirling as his coat did with him blowing a gentle breeze. The hunter moved with precision as he dodged every slash by the demon until he grew a bit bored of leaping, ducking and flipping over and below the demon. The moment the demon moved to bite his throat, the hunter swirled and decapitated him.

"He had a death wish," Another girl said

"He did, and that was why I granted it unto him. Now burn the body so we can return the cargo which he stole from the Academy's archive." Their leader said.


"We are the shield that guards the lives of men. We are the wall that protects them from harm. We are the sword that defends them. We are the Demon Hunters! Welcome to the Stone Academy" The first man said

The academy was an imposing building with rows and rows of majestic columns, at the entrance stood two great Demon Hunters both old and grey but still fit enough to take down a coven of demons. There were over 100 new intakes of students wanting to study and later become a Demon Hunter in life; however, not many of them were there on their own free will.

"I understand what many of you are feeling, the trepidation and anger mixed together; however, I want you to know this for sure, if you are here, it is because of something you have inside you which demands attention." The second man said.

Daniel was not comforted one bit, his entire life just turned upside down, first he realises that demons and angels exist, and then that he had angel grace in him, which made him a god among men, and now he was to be enrolled into this Academy without his consent.

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