Chapter 3

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Gunter had a feeling that not all was well and that things were going to deteriorate. He had been thinking about the invasion of the wolf demon and all he could think about was that there was no way anyone would get into the Academy without the hunters knowing it through the head of security. That meant that if the head of security knew about the invasion, he was, therefore, an abetter of the crime, he could even be the traitor.

"I will investigate this Director, I will not rest," Gunter said to Keon.

Keon on his part had been thinking since the attack and he suspected that there was a traitor in their midst who was powerful and had to have a position in the Academy, obviously, his first suspect was his opponent for the seat of Directorship, however, to lay such an accusation he needed proof.

"Do that Gunter. You can start by first questioning Gathel," Keon said as Gunter stood up to leave his office.

Gunter grunted in affirmation as he left the Director's office. The politics in the Academy was sometimes worse than the politics of mortal men. He knew that Gathel could be a future suspect but now he had someone else to question, his friend's father.

Joseph was having a bad day, first, he had gotten reports from the human watching the gateway that there had been a few break-ins and though he had been able to subdue them with the help of Zelda, he was very worried. Keeping her secret was very dangerous to him and the staff who were all humans. He felt like he should have turned her in, the moment she snuck in, however heroes a reasonable point; she was more powerful than all the legends combined.

Now he was to be graced with the presence of Gunter, the man his daughter loves. He hated the boy, has always hated him. He was not just arrogant but had the power t back his arrogance as a legend. How predictable the hunter believes that he was the traitor in the Academy letting in the demons.

"I am telling you, I didn't know the demon had snuck in. None of the members on my staff reported any movement in the gateway. I believe that the demons have finally gotten a way to get into the Academy with us none the wiser."

"Then you are incompetent as I suspected, why you were giving a job in the Academy is beyond me, you are after all only human."

Joseph instantly became angry and contemplated charging at the hunter to prove to him just how 'only human' he was. Zelda had taught him a thing or two about the angel grace the hunters all had I them and the was going to have to put the skills to practice, however, he knew that attacking Gunter will not only make him look bad in the eyes of the Academy but his children would feel betrayed by him. However, who knew, Gunter could survive such an attack.

"I have been diligent in doing my job hunter; do not insult me or my kind."

"Whatever you say human. However, I just wanted you to know that I will be making some changes in the security division of the Academy."

The hairs on Joseph's neck instantly stood upright. He had known that this was the hunter's reason for coming to the Security division of the Academy, to send all the humans packing as he has not been so secretive about wanting.

"You would send all the humans away, why?"

"If I am to believe that you had no idea that demons had gotten into the Academy, then I am to also believe that you were not told about the break-in, therefore I am to assume that you have a traitor in your midst."

"Don't do this Gunter; you would be sentencing them to a life they do not know of."

"Yes, yes so what? They would just arrive in a different century than they left."

"You are a monster," Joseph said with gritted teeth.

"I am a monster; however, this is no new news to me. I made myself a monster so that I could easily kill other monsters. Now back to my plan, I am replacing every single human on this division with hunters, and this has been made effective now."

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