Chapter 4: Trouble at OSCORP

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It had been relatively quiet for a summer in New York City, until O'Hirn broke out of the R.A.F.T. Norman Osborn, the CEO of OSCORP, personally had a hand in creating the massive, remote prison in order to help maintain order in the city. That being said he didn't pay for the building of the prison just for the city's sake. Norman recently had claimed that he would be running for mayor in the upcoming election, building the R.A.F.T. did nothing more than boost his image to the public. In other words it was all political.

After O'Hirn's escape the city was somewhat on edge, it was unclear as to why or how he broke out.

"Parker! I'm not paying you to day dream, do you have pictures for me or not?" Jameson questioned. 

I'd been a freelance photographer for 'The Daily Bugle' now for a few years and Jameson still had the audacity to talk to me like a child. 

"Here's some snaps I took from the art festival in-"I started before I was cut off.

"I don't care about some puff piece I want pictures of 'The Rhino' and the Spider menace working together, wrecking havoc on our city!" He exclaimed.

"But they weren't working together." I sighed. 

"Get me those pictures by the deadline for tomorrow's issue or you are fired!" Jameson shouted.

"But Mr. Jameson-" I tried.

"Out Parker I've got more important things to deal with!" He exclaimed.

I then took my leave of his office.

"Don't let him get to you Peter, you're pictures are great." A voice piped.

I turned around to see that it was Betty Brant, a journalist at The Bugle.

"Thanks Betty." I sighed.

As Betty walked towards me I  couldn't help but see an early issue of the paper for tomorrow in her arms. On the cover was bold lettering in regards to my fight with O'Hirn the other day, but below that article was a small column piece that read "Break In at OSCORP".

"Whatcha looking at Pete?" Betty asked.

"There was a break in at OSCORP?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." She stated as she realized I was talking about the paper in her arms.

"When did it happen?" I asked.

"Around the same time O'Hirn broke out of the R.A.F.T." Betty answered.

"What was stolen?" I questioned.

"A representative from OSCORP told us it was just some old equipment. So it wasn't that big of a deal to them I guess." She stated with a shrug. 

Something to me didn't seem right about this. 

"Don't you find it strange that those events happened pretty much at the same time?" I asked. 

"Hmm I guess I never really put that together. But different crimes would have happened all over the city that day, whether or not O'Hirn broke out I would think. " She explained.

"I suppose." I agreed. 

I had to get a second opinion on this. 

"Well I'll see you around Betty." I stated as I turned to leave.

"Bye Peter." Betty stated. 

As I stood in the elevator I began to think. 

"Why would someone break into OSCORP? Surely all of the tech that comes out of OSCORP is important so why would the representative brush it off as no big deal?" I thought to myself.

As I thought about this in depth the elevator grinded to a stop and the doors opened.

"Oh hi Pete." 

I quickly snapped my head up at the sound of her voice. 

"MJ." I gasped.

She looked beautiful as always. 

"You look nice, where are you off to?" I asked.

"I have a job interview." She answered.

"Where?" I questioned.

"At The Bugle?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, they saw my work from my blog in regards to the crime syndicate here in New York." She practically snapped. 

"You mean in regards to everything I told you about Kingpin?" I sighed. 

"You're trying to tell me that Spider-man's not a good enough source?" MJ argued.

"No, MJ I just want you to be careful." I stated.

MJ furrowed her eyebrows at me before pushing the elevator button beside me. 

"I'm always careful Peter." She sighed. 

"No you're reckless-" I tried but MJ quickly cut me off.

"RECKLESS?! You're the one that's reckless! Swinging into gunfights and nearly getting yourself killed!" She shouted.

The elevator then dinged and the doors opened. 

"MJ..." I trailed as she stepped into the elevator.

She turned to look at me before pressing the button beside her. 

"I have the chance to make a difference here, the people of New York deserve to know about the hero you are, while the the real criminals are being protected." She explained. 

"The Bugle hates Spider-Man, MJ." I sighed. 

"Why do you think I applied here?" She stated as the doors closed.

I couldn't help but feel proud of her. 

Mary Jane Watson was anything but a bad person. She believed in truth and never appreciated lies. Which is part of the reason why I told her I was Spider-man. I cared about her deeply but she  struggled with the dangerous part of my life. We had taken space apart recently and I had been couch surfing between the lab and with Aunt May. Normally I would have been staying with Harry but recently he had been M.I.A. for quite some time. I was worried about him but it was usual for him to take a leave of absence when he and his Father, Norman Osborn, got into it. 

Suddenly my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Peter its Otto Octavius. The sponsors want to see a presentation of our work, how soon can you get here?" He asked over the phone.

"As soon as possible. I'm on my way!" I exclaimed. 

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