Chapter 2 part 2 UwU

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Everyone was a little thrown off by the death of Kazakhstan.

After all, this was supposed to be a sleepover. Peaceful and happy.

They all wanted to leave but there was a hurricane that suddenly popped up and they couldn't leave unless if they ran out during the eye of the hurricane.

They all sat in the living room thinking about what they could do.
America had suggested just running out in the storm towards his house. But everyone else disagreed, it was too dangerous. There was hail and a few tornado watches around.

They all sat in silence afraid of what would happen next. Or who would be killed next.

They didn't even have a idea on who would kill. Couldn't be Canada, he was too kind to do this.
Ukraine wouldn't kill his brother. Belarus and New Zealand definitely wouldn't.
Germany and Poland were together the whole time- wait, everyone has a alibi.
America was with Canada the whole time. Japan was running around while writing a Rusame fanfic. Russia was probably drinking vodka.

So who/what murdered Kazakhstan?
Everyone was scared and a few moments ago Japan had went to get something. But they still weren't back...
What if Japan was hurt?
South Korea insisted on Looking for her. After all, he did have a little crush on her.
After SK left everyone stayed silent.

Anyways I'm still sorta tired so this part was also short
Word count was 224.
Let's make it to 300 just cause we can
If you don't want a spoiler then skip this part
2 people end up dead in the next chapter

There, take the spoiler.
20 words to go
Let's do this

Anyways since the words are almost to 300 I guess ill see you all again later. Bye!

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