We Don't Realize

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Izuku woke up with an arm wrapped around him. He felt very warm but very confused. Who was next to him. Izuku opened his eyes and jumped in surprise. There were shadows all around him.

Izuku couldn't make out any particular item but he could see shadows. That was new. He had never been able to do that before. He sat up and felt the person next to him.

His hand landed on the spiky hair of Katsuki Bakugo. Izuku stood and made his way to the closet. He picked out a fuzzy blue shirt and black pants. He changed quickly before putting on his red sneakers.

"Good morning," a groggy voice spoke behind Izuku. The greenette jumped in surprise.

"Oh, um, good morning, Kacchan," Izuku smiled as he turned to where he heard the voice come from.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?" Katsuki stood and popped his bones before walking out of the bedroom. Izuku followed close behind him.

"Omelettes?" Izuku questioned as he sat on top of the counter. He glanced around smiling. He ope ed the curtain and he could see the shadow of Katsuki. His smile grew wider.

"What has you grinning like that?" Katsuki questioned.

"Nothing, I just, I can see shadows today. So when I opened the curtain amd ket the sunlight in, I could see your shadow. It made me happy," Izuku shrugged.

"See, we aren't getting our hopes up. Jow did you go blind anyway?" Katsuki asked.

(Hey it's the author. I changed up the story line so it would make more sense. I have dkne research and the knew way of how Izuku lost his sight is possible and has happened to quite a few people)

"Well, when I was little I had a loving mother and father. They were the best thing ever. But one day my father started drinking and he would yell. All he ever did was yell. One day he screamed at me when my mother was not there to protect me. I closed my eyes and took in his words. Tears flooded my eyes and I sobbed. This man was not the man I knew. I ended up fainting from the emotional trauma and I was no longer able to see. That's what the doctors said," Izuku explained.

"Did your dad leave after that?" Katsuki questioned.

"Yeah,he ran from the cops and ended up just paying a lot of fines. He moved to California and gor a job in construction. He paid child support until I was eighteen like he was supposed to. He still makes deposits into my bank account every month, but I haven't seen him in thirteen years," Izuku informed Katsuki.

"That's sad, I didn't realise you had such a horrible father figure," Katsuki mumbled as he flipped the omelette.

"You should meet my friend Shoto. He is half blind and we met at a support group. His father is Enji Todoroki," Izuku stated as he hopped off the counter.

"Like the kne tgat was arrested for child abuse and neglect?" Katsuki asked as he set Izuku's good down at the table.

"Yeah,his father abused him for his entire life. He went half blind at around four or five. His mother poured boiling watef on his left eye and he hasn't been able to se out of it since," Izuku took a bite of his omelette.

"Well, that's sad, bit i don't care about that extra," Katsuki finished maijg his omelette and sat at the table as well.

"These are so good, Kacchan!!! Gomensai," Izuku smiled and took another bite of his omelette.

" whatever, so what are we doing today?" Katsuki asked the blind boy.

"I could help you settle into your apartment," Izuku offered.

"Sounds like a plan. I have all of the furniture and everything in and where it goes. I just haven't unpacked the boxes yet," Bakugo agreed.

"Well, let's get to it. May I bring Everest?" Izuku asked Katsuki as he set his plate in the sink.

"Sure," Katsuki agreed so Izuku whistled for his dog. Said animal came bounding into the kitchen as she had the day prior.

"Want some food girly?" Izuku giggled.

Hs ran his hand over the brail on the boxes until he found dog food. He took it down amd looked for her bowl. He put some food in and then out the container back in it's place.

"She needs to finish eating and then we can go. Unless you need to leave now," Izuku said.

"No, we can wait. Want to watch some t.v?" Katsuki asked.

"Um..." Izuku trailed off.

"Oh shit, right. Sorry," Katsuki laughed. Izuku gave a small laugh as well.

"How about we play cards? I have brail ones," Izuku suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. Want to play five card draw?" Katsuki asked.

"Yeah sure," Izuku got the cards from the game drawer and let Katsuki shuffle. Katsuki dealt the cards and made sure not to look at Izuku's.

"The first card is a six of spades," Katsuki told Izuku.

Izuku felt his cards and nodded. He had an ace of spades and of diamonds. He had a two of spades and a king of hearts. In addition he also had a six of clubs.

"Trade or no?" Katsuki asked him. Izuku nodded and handed Katsuki his king of hearts. He was given a king of Spades as replacement.

Katsuki had a king of diamonds along with a queen. He had a seven of spades, a ten of clubs as well as a five of clubs. He traded both of his clubs and got a seven of hearts and a four of clubs.

By the end of the game there was a six of spades, an Ace of hearts, a queen and Jack of spades, and finally a three of diamonds.

Katsuki had a match of queens and that was all.

Izuku had a royal flush and a three of aces. When he set down his cards Katsuki screamed. He couldn't figure out how the blind male had kept so calm whole having such a good hand.

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