Lucina x Male Reader: Third-Wheeling

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Hey guys, guess what???
I'm doing my first ever
Male X-reader. 😁 yay!

*Cricket noises*

Okay, so no one really cares, but whatever. LOL
This was suggested by my gamer friend:

My editor and I pondered the concept of a Smash Bros. "x-reader", and found that it doesn't make much sense. We both appreciate logic, and so we needed some continuity. After all, it wouldn't make much sense for you to be in Smash Bros., seeing as it's a video game filled with video game characters. We are not video game characters... Or are we? Lucky for us, some of the characters in Smash Bros. are actually customizable player avatars, like Corrin and Robin. If you insert yourself in the place of one of these characters, you actually have a valid reason for existence in the world of Smash, without giving up your name or appearance. As such, these stories are written with you, the reader, acting as one of these avatars. (And by "one of these", I mean either Corrin or Robin, because, who wants to be Villager? And also, screw the Mii fighters.) I know this monologue was probably long and boring, and I apologize, but I needed to get this out there, because I hate it when a story has no context.

Anyway, (LOL) enjoy the story~

It was a warm afternoon at the Smash mansion, and you had decided to go on a walk around the gardens with one of your closest friends: Lucina.
You had been trying to figure out a way to tell her that you liked her as more than just a friend for the longest time now, but you still hadn't come up with anything.
It was all either too corny or too confusing.

"(Y/n)?" Lucina poked you, snapping you from your thoughts.
"Huh? Oh. What is it Lucy?"
You smiled down at her.
"I have something to ask you."
She stated simply.
"Go ahead." You shrugged.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
She asked you curiously, tilting her head sideways.

"Umm. What?" You raised an eyebrow.
"What does this have to do with anything?"

"Well, yesterday Roy was trying to teach me some jokes, and he asked me why the chicken crossed the road.
So after contemplating all the reasons why the chicken may have crossed the road, I picked the most likely answer. There was no chicken. It was simply a metaphorical chicken we were talking about, and therefore any roads it crossed would exist solely to make a point of some kind. But Roy said I was wrong. I want to know what the correct answer is."
She frowned.

"Uh..." You blinked.

Lucina did not understand most humor, or...any humor really.
Roy tried to help her by telling her jokes each week, but she never understood those either, and always tended to overthink the answers.
And by the time she'd figure them out, they weren't funny anymore.
(Not like most of them were funny in the first place, but still.)

It annoyed most of the other Smashers, but you didn't mind.
You found it adorable that she always asked you to explain the jokes she'd hear.

"What was your second guess?" You asked, thinking it might have been closer.

"That the chicken was in a hurry to get somewhere, and was also very young. She just didn't understand the dangers of crossing the road, or that it was illegal to cross without using a designated crosswalk."
Lucina nodded.

"O-oh." You bit your lip, trying not to laugh.
"Umm, those are both very good answers, but the real answer is
'To get to the other side.'"
You smiled.

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