139th Poem: I Say

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August 29, 2019 in Louisiana.

Recovering extremely slowly from my lowest of lows.


They say it's easy to give up. Well I say it's not. 

I say you mull it over for a long time. 

I say it sits on your shoulders and infests your brain, crawling in the depths of your skin. 

You think of giving up over and over, you stop wishing and hoping and your thoughts stop seeming sober. You think for so long, you hurt for so long, and then they say you feel numb. 


But I say, it's not easy to give up. I'd even say it can be harder to give up than to keep going because somewhere, somewhere deep inside, you still have something. 

Maybe it can still be categorized as hope, I don't know. But something there, maybe a tiny drive, maybe the question of what if, keeps you here. And that bugs you too, even if it's only a tiny sliver of something. 

Well, they said not to give up, so here we are, trying not to. Till we collapse, break, shards exploding into the air.


~ While listening to Till I Collapse - Eminem ft. Nate Dogg 

The clips in the video are adapted from the movie Real Steel. ~

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