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It's so hard being the "little guy."
Especially since, ironically, you are the little guy!

But besides that, have you ever wondered what it will be like..if you swapped places with your sibling? It doesn't even have to be your sibling, it could be anybody! Friends, family, first cousin? Because it seems like they have the perfect life you always craved for. Only because it seems like they're the most popular person in school? The most prettiest, handsomest person? The most well known person in school? The only person you looked up too? The person your driven by because you want that talent!?

I mean seriously, think about this...you think you're good enough to do something, to be someone, but how do you know that? Sure everybody says that you're good at something and you're gonna be something someday, that someday could be never.

What about your family? Do you think they have your back 24/7? Even family can split up and look at them as sworn enemies.
Friends? You meet someone new everyday, it doesn't matter how many words you say to that person, you know their name, and that's all you need to know, but sometimes the people you just met can be your friends forever, and the people you've known the longest...you'll never see again.

Look, my point is, there are true pro's out there, pro's that are actually worth time and money and fame, but the thing is, money isn't everything in the world, neither is fame or fortune. But who needs to be born, or naturally good at something? Who needs to be born a musician, or a dancer, or a poet? Why be born, when you can be willing to learn something more, something much deeper than what you already know? The underdogs are the true pro's out here, yet they get no people to notice them? Why? Because there are people out there who are looking for people with looks, heart of gold, nice set of long hair, naturally beautiful woman, meathead men, talent.....but the thing is, we underdogs have all that, just not as good as people see, we literally try to put our talent out there, but all we hear, everytime is, "better try harder next time sweetie."

But we're done hearing that, it's our time now, we're fighting for our talent, whether it be, playing an instrument, singing, dancing, journalism, writing, speaking out, anything at all.
The way we've been treated for so long, stops right now, me and my group and coming to take over the music world and the Writing world, the creative world, the world of all things big and small, wonder why?

Because we're underdogs.

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