Highschool life is the best life!

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"Hey Harper! Did you bring the lighter?" My friend Hope asked.
I rolled my eyes and nodded and tossed it to her.
Harper texted me and told me to meet her in the girls restroom.
"Your still smoking? You told me you'd stop." I reminded her.

Hope stashed the cigarette in her mouth and lit up the cancer stick. She put the lighter in her pocket, took the cigarette out and blew a puff of smoke in my face.
"Will you relax? This is just for my stress you know how dance teachers are.." She said rolling her eyes.

"Well yeah I understand that...you say that to me every time you light that damn cancer stick, you shouldn't put a lot of your stress on that cigarette." I tried to take it away from her but she furrowed her eyebrows and moved away from me,
"Need I remind you that I'm eighteen and I can do whatever the fuck I want? Listen, Harper, Highschool life is the best life! And I'm not planning on wasting any of this life worrying about what my 'supportive, best' friend thinks." She said puffing more smoke in my face.

"Hope...what if the dance teacher finds out you've been smoking?" I asked
"Key word; 'what if' she'll never find out." Hope reassured me.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.
"Alright, I'm off to find Noah, see you in class..." I left the bathroom looking down at the floor, disappointed in how Hope has been acting for the pass year.
It's not her fault it's her Dads, her mom left when she was little and she was an alcoholic...she's in prison now...it's a very long story, but her dad is a smoking addict, and it's not just cigarettes, he vapes, and he smokes cigars, does weed, crack, cocaine and he does drink a little too...he's already been diagnosed with lung cancer...there's no telling how long he'll be around....it's a shame he was a sweet man when I first met, but of course that was back in my middle school...everything and everyone was happy there, but of course Highschool can change you, it honestly make me scared for Victoria, no matter how much she gets on my nerves, I wonder if Highschool will be bad time for her, although it could be the opposite maybe she's having a bad time in middle school and she'll have the time of her life in Highschool...it could go either way, she'll probably experience the best of both worlds.

I bumped into a broad chest, I could tell it was a guy, this man didn't even move an inch but I fell hard on my butt, I looked up and saw my friend Noah's face, smiling down at me.
"Sorry...I called your name five times you didn't hear me?" He asked lending a hand helping me up off he ground. I dust myself off and sighed.

"No, I didn't, I was lost in thought..." I said tryin not to make eye contact with Noah.
Noah....is one of those friends you have that you just can't look at because they're so fucking handsome!

"Woah, that's weird, it's only been an hour to you being a Senior in Highschool and your already deep in thought, looking stressed the hell out. What's bugging you?" He asked trying to make eye contact with me somehow.

I looked up at him and he flashed a quick wink at me.
I looked back down at the ground, for a minute I forgot how sexy he was.
"Harper......tell me what's wrong, you can't look down at the ground forever." Noah said

I sighed and looked at his hazel eyes.
"It's Hope....she's still smoking..." I said
Noah's mouth dropped open for a second.
"Are you serious? She promised us she'd quit!" Noah said in disbelief.

I sighed and rubbed my hands together
"I know...but she....it's all family issues...it has nothing to do with her in general..." I said
"If only she'd open up to us, I guarantee she wouldn't smoke anymore if she would stop smoking if she'd just tell us what's going on with her." Noah said

I shook my head and rubbed my temple.
"You know that's never going to happen...Hope is a Closed Book, the only thing she's truly opened to is her dance career." I said

Noah nodded in agreement and as soon as we were about to part ways our quiet friend Jakob walked up to us.
"Hey guys....w-what's going on?" He asked holding his violin case in his right hand.
"Uhm, it's about Hope.." I crossed my arms.
"Let me guess, still smoking?" Jakob asked
"Y-Yeah, how did you know already?"

"I can smell it." He simply said
I don't know what it is, but Jakob has the nose of a bloodhound.
Maybe it's a guy thing..
"Oh, H-Harper, Faith wanted to talk to you..." Jakob said smiling slightly.

"Okaaay..where is she?" I asked
"She told me she'll be in class waiting for you." He said
I smiled at him.
"Thanks for telling me Jakob I'll see you boys at lunch!" I said waving them off.

I headed all the way up to the third floor where my first period class starts out this morning, with me being at this school since my freshmen year...I know this school like the back of my head.

I felt a body tackle me to the ground and my head immediately hit first.
I groaned and held my head in agony.
"I looked up to see who talked me to the ground. A big pair of gray eyes stared at me for a while.
"Faith....? What the hell...was that for?!" I asked laying my head back down gently.

"Sorry, I wanted to try another self-defense move on you!" She said smiling
I rolled my eyes.
"Faith how many times have we talked about this!? Stop trying your self defense moves on me!" I said
Faith sighed and stood up from where she laid.
"But it's so fun! My self defense class is really teaching me the good stuff!" She waved her arms around excitedly .

"Why would your mom even sign you up for a self defense class?" I asked concerned.
"You never know what could be out to hurt me..." Her voice got dark.

"Self protection is the best protection I can get."
"I understand that." I agreed.
"Ugh, can you help me up Faith?" I asked

Our hands connected and Faith helped me up off the ground.
"But I gotta give you props for that tackle, you really made my abdomen sting!" I said
"Thank you!  Harper! I'll make sure to try harder next time!" She said smiling walking into the classroom.

"Wait....what?! Oh hell no, there will not be a next time with you and me!" I said following her.
"Fine, do you think Jakob will let me do it to him?" She asked looking at me.
"Doubt it, that dudes senses are high hell probably hit you with his violin case if you try to tackle him." I warned

"True....welp Noah is a muscle god and Hope will only kick my ass afterwards so I gotta find a new person to tackle." Faith said stroking her chin mischievously.

I shook my head and giggled to myself.
I'd hate to admit but Hope was right Highschool is the best time of our lives, as you can see. And we only have so much Tim left until we're split apart, just look at Noah this is his last year, I know he's going to try to make sure his last year is going to be his best one. But that doesn't really give me much time to tell him how I feel about him..

Well...it's now or never...

Thoughts on...






Wooooo! I sincerely hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! And I will see you all in the next one!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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