So...Are you in?

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This whole Underdogs Club that Charity has invited randomly is driving me off course. Seriously, who has the time and skill to do this in less then five minutes, unless of course, she made this banter with the help of her Mom, sweet lady by the way, and then just rolled it up shoved it in her backpack and got it up here with some help of tall middle schoolers.

"Uhm, Charity, how did you get this up here?" Tori asked.
"With the help of some tall middle school boys!" She said
I knew it!

For some odd reason, most of the kids in this school are growing recklessly already, there is this girl in my class, she's almost dang near six feet tall, and she's my age! Why the heck does that say about growth reproduction!?

"I swear, these other kids, their growth reproduction is really off the charts." Tori said
Man I'm off the charts today!

"Wait has anyone seen Kirstie?" I asked
" fact why haven't we been concerned about this?" Tori said adjusting the strap on her backpack.
"Man, we're really bad friends." Charity mumbled.

"Yeah, Charity is right, you guys are bad friends! I've been standing here this entire time!" Kirstie pouted.
A weary strained smile grew on my face and I slowly brought my arms up and held them out and walked slowly towards Kirstie.
It's very dangerous to approach the wild angry beast named Kirstie, sure she's sweet as cake but never let a smile fool you. EVER. She's as dangerous as she is nice. Even the cutest ones can be scary, just look at Charity she's one of the many cute people I know right next to Kirstie and right now she's scaring me enough with the freaking banter exposing how unexperienced we are as a group of friends!

"Heeeeeey! Kirstie! I totally saw you here the WHOLE time!" I said in a cheesy tone.
Her facial expression was blank as I walked towards her, as I reached in for a hug she slapped my arms and I heard Charity suck in a breath.
"OUCH!" I whimpered going back to hide behind Charlottes back.
"Chris you know better than to touch me when I'm angry! In fact, you know better to touch me AT ALL! I don't know where your hands have been!" Kirstie arched her eyebrow at me and gave me a questioning look.

"Where have your hands been in the last twenty four hours Chris?" Charlotte asked turning her head to me.
"In a sink...under water with freshly made carved soap!" I forced the words out of my mouth.
Tori looked at me confused.
"Made? Carved soap?" She asked

"Yeah, remember my wacky uncle?" I asked
Tori gasped and snapped her fingers in realization.
"Uncle Bucko!?" She asked
"Yup, that's the one, remember last year I told you guys he started his own soap business and he makes his own soap and carves it himself?"
"Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh Uncle Bucko!" Everyone said variously.

I nodded my head and sighed.
Silence caught up to our group and we all looked at each other.
"So uh, Charity, I think your banter is awesome! The Underdogs Club huh?" Kirstie asked
"Mhm! Ain't it great! ...Well it would be better if these guys here would join the club." Charity said pointing three fingers at me Tori and Char.

Kirstie turned to the three of us and rolled her eyes.
"Guys, c'mon this is the only way we can get closer together as friends by joining this club and making it into something ourselves, plus it'd really make Charity happy to know that even though we are sorta talentless, we can still gain upon what we have here, and that's our friendship." Kirstie said pleading to the three of us.

"But, Kirstie I-"
"Please Chris, I'm asking as a friend..." Kirstie laid on an adorable pout at the three of us.
"Kirstie are you invoking..our friendship?" Victoria asked.
"Yes, very much so." Kirstie said honestly still holding the pout on her face.

Me, Tori and Charlotte exchanged glances at each other studying each other's thoughts.
"So...Are you in?" Charity asked with hope filled in her eyes.

I sighed and rubbed my temple.
"Yeah we're in." I said
Kirstie and Charity cheered all while hugging each other. Once they were done they looked at us with opened arms.

Tori and Charlotte smiled and joined in their hug awaiting for me to join last.
"You guys know I don't do hugs...but I'll do it for the sake of the Underdogs." I said chuckling a bit.

I joined in their group hug and we all closed in tight together so our heads were close.

I should've thought more about this..but I didn't and I don't regret either.
All I want is to connect with my friends somehow and if this is the way to do it.
Count me in.

Thoughts on...






Apologies for the long wait, I was emotional..😅 but that's not important what is important however is that Chapter 3 is out in Underdogs! I hoped you guys enjoyed it and I will see you all in Chapter 4!

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