First days of school are the worst...

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Me and the rest of the group were walking to our classes breakfast in our hand, backpacks on our back, I'd say were well prepared for this first day.
"I'm not prepared for this first day at all...."
Well...I'm not sure about Chris but the rest of us seem fine.

"Aw, c'mon Chris lighten up! The first day of school is the best! You get to meet someone new and what's better than seeing a fresh face on the first day of school!" Charity said hoping up and down.
"Yeah says you, Miss cheer pants, I'm gonna disagree with you on that one. First days of school are the worst..." Chris said

"What makes you say that?" Tori asked looking towards his direction.
"Because, unlike our friend Charity here, the rest of us are middle schoolers, we don't play with play doh anymore and we don't sing and dance around the room, in fact middle schoolers don't even have recess anymore! What kind of BS is that?!" Chris furiously let out a growl and the rest of us looked at him.
"Uh, Chris maybe you need to take a chill pill.."
"I don't need to pill with any kind of chill!" Chris said

I tilted my head at him.
"Uh. Chris don't you mean 'I don't need to chill with any kind of pill?" I corrected him and he groaned.

We reached the second floor and..this comes the time where we have to separate and have to deal with one teacher all year...I kid you not, one teacher that teaches us the main usage of school subjects; Math, English, Science, and social studies...the only classes all students have that are separate are, gym, choir, and art.

And of course lunch, but at this school every classroom has a different schedule, sometimes we'll joint together but..that happens once every full moon..
But on the bright side at least me and my friends have the same lunch together!

"Oh, this is my classroom, I'll see you guys at lunch hopefully?" Charity said smiling at us.
"Most definitely, have fun kiddo." Chris said
"Bye guys!" She waved us off walking into her permanent classroom excitedly.
"Geez no hug?" Charlotte mumbled
"Well, if Charity is happy then I'm happy." Chris said

Tori patted his back and smiled at Chris.
"That's the spirit." She said
"And the there were four." I said.
The four of us let out variety of giggles and made our way up to the third floor.

"Hm, I'm guessing most of your guys' classes are up here?" Tori asked.
"Tori, all of our classes are up here, look at these upperclassmen! Yeesh, looks like puberty kicked their butt! Wait is that—nose digging Timmy?!" Chris said in disbelieve.
"Oh my gosh! He looks cute now! He even grew a very small goatee!" I said smiling to myself.

"Do you think he still picks his nose?" Tori asked
"...I hope not..."Charlotte said
Charlotte shivered slightly in disgust.

"Nose digging" Timmy grabbed a tissue and actually....blew his a normal person....
Christopher's mouth hung wide open for a long time, his breakfast dropped to the floor and he collapsed on the floor.
"Uhm....we got a Christopher down on the floor people, uh. I repeat, we have a Christopher on the floor." I announced.
"Chris, honey, get up." Tori said

She gently set her breakfast tray down on the floor and went to aid Chris.
"Oh my god, why can't puberty kick my butt like that?" Chris asked getting up with the help of Tori.
"Well when the time comes it will, until then you're just fine having the feminine face you have right now. But your face is getting kind of chiseled, did you loose more weight?" Tori asked sympathetically.
"No, I'm just not eating that much.."

"Ugh! Chris! You promised us you'd start eating regularly!" I said
"I know, but you guys know my mom and how she is...she doesn't feed me that much, she gives everything to the men she brings back home every so often...alcohol, food, and many stuff that does not concern us right now, so can we stop talking about how depressing my life is and how much my mom hates me?" He asked.

"Yeah, but just one more thing." I said
Chris turned to me and gave me a questioning look.
"One day, will you tell us, even Charity what happened with you and your dad?" I asked.

Chris remained quiet and turned away to look down the hallway.
"My class is right here...I'll see you guys later." He said walking off from us right into his classroom for the year.

I knew I shouldn't have brought it up but the suspense is killing me, we found out he didn't have a father as soon as we met Charity, and all I wanna do is be there for him, but even for a guy like Chris it's just too serious to talk about, and he's the funniest guy I know..

"C'mon let's go." Charlotte said
"Agreed." Tori said
Charlotte and Tori walked ahead of me and I followed behind them.

We were almost at the end of the hallway when Charlotte and Tori came to a stop and turned around to look at me.
"So, Kirstie, me and Char have a class together this know where your class is?" Tori asked me.

"Mhm, I got a dead end, my class is at the very end of this hallway.." I said pointing in that direction.
"Oh okay, good luck, and have fun okay?" Tori said forcing a smile at me.
"Yeah sure, I'll see you guys later." I said

"See ya!" They said simultaneously

Tori and Char walked in their classroom and closed the door behind them.
And then there was one...

I walked my way to my class for the year, but I couldn't get it off my mind that Tori and Char are upset with me, and I'm definitely going to hear their mouths sooner than later, but it'd probably be Tori's, I don't even have to look at Char to tell that she's upset with me, her facially expressions are easy to read even if she doesn't talk hardly. I'm just crossing my fingers, hoping that we can put this aside. But man it's a good thing Charity didn't have to see that. She's like the little sister I've always wanted.

I reached my classroom and stood outside the door, my heart was pounding like crazy and I thought I was loosing my mind but that's just me contemplating on all the events that's happened already.
I took deep steady breaths and slowly grabbed on the door handle.

"Well, it's now or never..."

Thoughts on....






Aww poor Chris..I am just giving him a hard time but it's all gonna work out in his favor!
Anyway you guys I hoped you enjoyed Chapter 4! And I'll see you all in Chapter 5! Bye~Bye!

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