Taken. Chapter 1.

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"pidge" lance yelled as the doors slammed shut trapping pidge in the hall alone.

"I be fine, i find another exit now go" Pidge yelled. 

"but pidge" Hunk siad with fear since the lions was on their side why she had the side fall of galra soldiers.

"your wasting my running time .. just go" Pidge yelled and her friends looked at her with fear and worry.

"we get our lions and blast a hole in the ship for you to jump out .. just hold on" Shiro siad with worry and Pidge nodded before turning and running. She was a trapped rat in an unknow farmers house full of traps. She could hear the soldiers footsteps all around her and had no place to hide, she just had to trust her team. 

"pidge come in" Allura said over the com from the castle.

"allura, how the others" Pidge asked with worry and fear, she didnt care if she died but she didnt want to lose her friends .. her family.

"they just barely made it out, i told them you made it back to the castel and forced green to return with the castel controls" Allura siad with a small voice.

"you did what" Pidge yelled. 

"im sorry .. i hope you the best" Allura said before ending the com connection.

"allura" Pidge yelled in panic since she now had no connection to her friends or the castle. 

"someone" Pidge whisper and closed her eyes as she heard the footsteps running closer.

She pulled our her Bayard and took a deep breath before fighting the first wave of galra solders and sentries. The halls filled with cried from the dead, they dying and her fighting back. Her body hurt all over as they finally took her down, beating her all over with there guns. Shots hitting her sides and arms making her too weak to get back up. Tears fell from her eyes as she watched the commander of the ship walk forwards making his men step back from pidge bloody bruised body. She watched with tears as the commander lifted his gun and held it to her kneecap before pulling the trigger while smirking. Her screams filled the ship and she blacked out as they dragged her away. 

Pidge slowly opened her eyes and sat up after remembering everything. Pain hitting her hard like a bus from moving so quick. Blood left her lip as she bit down trying to hold the whimper and screams in. A long deep breath taken before her eyes fell to her leg. It was still attached somehow but she knew from one look she never walk with it again. Tears held back as she knew she had to be strong, she couldn't cry or give up.

Her eyes travelled around the cell just bigger then a broom closet. It was cold, damp and dark like night. The only light source was from the bars window in the door showing she was on a galra ship still. She notice the galra prions uniform was on her and she heard the footsteps coming towards her cell. 

"hello child" Haggar smirked as they dragged pidge into the torture room and strapped her down to the table. 

"kiss my ass you old rotten hag, lance socks look better that you" Pidge hissed as the guards stand back and Haggar smirk fades into anger.

"tell me where is voltron" Haggar asked with anger.

"up zarkon ass and turn left to i wont tell you shit" Pidge smirked back and watched Haggar glare at the green paladin. 

"last warning .. tell me where voltron is" Haggar yelled.

"fine its hidden behind the second star named go fuck yourself you old cow" Pidge yelled back and closed her eyes as the tortured started. Hours passed as they made her fell pain in all different ways. 

Days of torture soon turned into weeks of torture then a month passed. Each day the same, she be given hardly any water or food before strapped to a torture table then torture till the guards get board. She gets dragged back to her cell and left for death until the next day comes.  

Well that was her normal day as a prisoner until she visit by Lotor who had a evil smirk upon seeing the unbroken green paladin who still yelled back insults. He got the guards to drag the girl to his chamber he was given where he raped her since he was the only one of the ship that knew he was really a she. He wanted to make her feel unhuman and break her with his own hands after hearing nothing his mother did work. A week past and Pidge was finally dragged back to her cell since lotor couldn't break up in the week. 

The doors opened and she was thrown in but she wasn't alone. She landed on someone warm. 

She turned to meet with purple eyes, beautiful purple eyes she loved. She felt safe and calm as she looked into his eyes. She watched as his eyes looked her over with worry before hate filled them and she felt ashamed. 

"pidge" keith spoke in a broken voice, he couldn't believe the near dead girl in front of him was his friend. 

"keith" Pidge smiled softly before letting her tears leave her eyes and she let him wrap his arms around her. She cried on his chest as he held her tightly. 

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