Betrayed. Chapter 4.

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"do you think i look good in the galra prison uniform" Pidge asked as she sat next to keith who was flying the ship making keith lose control of the ship for a couple seconds from the shock.

"wha" Keith joked out turning to the shorter girl in the tight leggings, tight black top with a ripped purple crop top. He noticed how her robotic leg had the leggings ripped to me shorts on one side why the other leg  still had the fall legging. A blush forced it way on his cheeks and he gulped at the sight. 

"well some people make the prison look work or certain tight outfits work for them but i never tries wearing tight clothes but galra prison uniform is kinda sexy tight and i just wonder .. sorry for asking" Pidge said with a small smile and looked back out to space.

"well you do look hot in the prison uniform since it brings out all your perfect body shape but i think you look best when you dress as you and act like you ... i think that type of pidge is the most beautiful" Keith said with a soft smile and now it was pidge turn to blush.

"t-thanks" Pidge blushed not looking at keith.

"oh um yeah, no worries" Keith said embarrassed and wasn't even looking towards pidge direction. 

"you look good in tight clothes too" Pidge whisper making keith turn a brighter shade of red and the two sat in silence why the reached the castle. It took them two days to reach the castle and the two looked the castle over seeing it was working like normal and looked fine. 

keith talked with shiro over the com to let them know it was them and not to shot at them. He landed in the ship first hanger and noticed how the other paladins and Alteans stood outside the ship waiting. The two felt nervous, a lot happened and they both changed more then they should.

"you ready" Keith asked with a small smile as he turned to the worried girl next to him.

"yeah, lets go home" Pidge smiled and grabbed keith hand to calm herself as they walked out the ship. All eyes fell on the two and mouths fell open once they saw the sight of the two. 

"Katie" Matt cheered as he ran straight towards his sister with open arms at full speed. Pidge closed her eyes ready for the impact that gonna hurt thank to her fresh wounds and healing wounds. But instead she felt herself be pulled to the side with a strong warm arm around her gently. She opened her eyes as matt yelp and found him on the floor and keith was the one who seemed to save her.

"the hell" Matt groaned as she stood up rubbing his arm.

"pidge is injured, she needs a pod not for you to run at her with full speed nearly causing her more pain" Keith said with worry and matt looked at pidge with worry.

"sorry sis, lets get you in a pod" Matt said with worry and Pidge gave him a smile..

"its fine, we all let our excitement take over sometimes but please no hugs, pats or high fives until after the pod" Pidge said with a worried smile and the team nodded. 

"i go set up a pod up, please start making your way" Coran smiled before running up ahead. 

"can you walk" Shiro asked with worry as he looked at pidge new robotic leg. 

"slowly" Pidge said with a weak smile and keith placed his arm down letting her slowly walk while walking next to her to catch her if she trips.

"so what happened to you and why are you in galra prison uniforms" Lance asked like an idiot and pidge along with keith looked at him like stupid.

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