Together. Chapter 2.

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Pidge cried herself to sleep in keith arms making him unable to move. Well he could but he didnt want to wait her after she finally clamed down a little. Keith looked pidge over, noting old cuts, old bruises, new bruises, new cuts, new scars that weren't on her body when he last saw her but what he noticed most of all was her leg. He pulled her even closer to himself and held her tighter in his arms before letting sleep take over and resting his head on pidge as they both slept. 

Keith was awoken by the cell doors opening showing haggar and a couple guards. He felt a shiver go down his back as he noticed haggar smirk and held on to pidge even tighter, pushing himself into the wall while holding her tight as the guards tried to take her. Pidge woke up and her eyes fill with fear once she saw what was happening and noticed how another guard entered with beating pole making her bite her lip before speaking and letting go of keith shirt .. she wasn't going to let him take a beating for buying her a little more time from her torture. 

"I be ok" Pidge whisper with a soft smile before placing a hand on keith cheek making his grip loosen without thinking and the guard picked pulled pidge away making her yelp a little. 

"Pidge" Keith yelled with fear but stopped when he notice her sweet smile letting him know to stay back until she returns. 

"I must say, I'm impressed your still haven't broken .. I had faith in my son breaking you" Haggar smirked as she closed the cell door.

"well unlike you old hag your grape of a son not really a man ... you might want to think about adopting a dog for a child next time" Pidge smirked back as the guards dragged her by her arms.

"oh I will break you" Haggar hissed with anger and keith just listened from the cell wondering how long Pidge was really here for and what they been doing to her.

He wanted to know what Haggar did and what that jackass Lotor did to his pidge while trying to break the girl. But keith couldn't help but smile knowing that they haven't broken pidge and she was still the sassy feisty girl he left when joining the blade of Marmora. 

Hours passed and he never heard pidge yells making him worry. He heard a couple guards talking when swapping patrols shifts saying how hard Haggar and anyone other high rank soldiers found it hard to break the green paladin and how they couldn't even get her to scream. He smiled at how brave and stubborn was being even in the face of death but he frown at the thought of how much pain she was going through and how she been holding it in. 

Soon the cell opened after keith got lost in his thoughts and pidge was thrown into the cell passed out. Keith ran to her and rested her head on his lap while looking her over and then he noticed her new robotic leg. He could tell by the dried tears on pidge face that she was awake as they operated on her and all he could do was let his own tears fall as he stroked her hair. He wanted to try and calm her while she slept but didnt know what to do for the girl .. so all he could do was cry a little as he stroked her hair. 

"nearly two months" Keith half yelled as pidge answer his question about how long she been there for. She woke up not long ago and the two sat leaning on a wall chatting to distract them from being galra prisoners. 

"yeah but dont worry the torture still hurts like a bitch .. you dont get use to that" Pidge joked and keith just frown.

"why haven't voltron saved you" Keith asked, he thought the team would come for her by now ... they wouldn't normally leave someone to be capture for nearly two months.

With You (Kidge)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon