Chapter 4 °The battle Ends! Mash's Determination! °

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Warning: not to good writing fights sorry :(


Alter's launched her attack toward Y/N and the rest, Mash put herself in front to contain the attack, but she didn't believe and nobody does, that's Berserker Launched himself toward the attack just to be Cut in half by the strength of the Slash.

Mash Thrust her's shield on the ground, gabbed it by all her strength as the Slash impact with the shield.

Mash: Gah!!

 Mash strength was higher, the attack was stronger though, making Mash back off

Olga: D-dammit it's t-to strong!!

Y/n: 'No shit Sherlock'

Saber on the other side, were impressed that Mash could endure so far he's Noble Phantasm, Seeing this Saber grip her's sword and Made an stockade making Her's attacks big and stronger.

Mash and the group almost were sending fly for the strong energy that this provide. Ritsuka, saw the shield servant sweating and panting, he could tell she could give up in any moment and It's more to say that her's strength felt down.

~Mash Pov~

God Dammit!! I couldn't resist anymore!! If... If I've just unlock my Noble Phantasm! This could wouldn't Happen!!

I grit my Teeth in both, Anger and Pain as I give my all to Block the Attack. My hands start to become weak, I feel in any moment my hands gonna give up and pull away from the shield. B-but I can't i-

I feel and hand o top of mine I see and get surprised as see who were

Mash: Senpai!

L/N senpai Give me an weakly smile.

Ritsuka/L/N senpai: Mash! Don't give up!

My eyes widen.

Ritsuka: just a little more! An last push!

He grip my hand. Right... I.... I can't give up now!. Somehow I feel power flow through my body, all strength came back to me. Gripping my shield, something awake . My eyes widen. Could this be!?.

~3rd Pov~

In Ritsuka's hands an command sell show up. Mash shield Start to surrender by an grey aura. The shield servant pull out from the ground Her's shield and thrust it against the floor with more strength, As the shield impact on the ground its  create another green Shield on front it, bigger. This new Shield Block saber's Noble Phantasm, The slash couldn't pass through the Shield, crack it a little Though. Finally! The shield win over The slash creating an big explosion


The field was covered by smoke, the smoke dissolved able to see The shield disappear and everyone in one piece, on the middle the Half body of Berserker start to regenerate, after being completely Regenerate he lift up himself and roar, then start to looking around as an Interrogation Sign appear above his head. On saber side she look without expression as the smoke clear and see the group intact.

Saber: Tch! That shield.....

She says looking with a frown

In the other side Mash collapsed onto Her's knees, Olga Looked extremely pale like her life passed through Her's eyes, what wasn't wrong and in front Ritsuka, who knees besides Mash with a look of proud and Surprise.

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