Episode 7 °The witch°

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Disclaimer: (I don't own any of the images, All rights to their respective owners. The gif put here are a demonstration of how a certain scene was) I always wanted to put this.

It's been a long time ah?   Again I'm so sorry. This is my longer chapter, from now on today all chapters will upload, not all because I need to finish the rest, on Tuesdays. Any critics, opinions, errors, or ideas please be free to tell me.

/3rd Pov/


Mash shield clash with one of the skeleton's swords. She grips strongly her shield and puts pressure making the sword crack onto pieces, she took this opportunity and swings her shield turning into pieces the bones. on the other side, a few French soldiers were surrounded by a group of skeletons, they thought they were dead but they see the figure of a girl with fox ears and big paws. Tamamo fell crushing two skeletons by thrusting their heads on the ground with her big paws. Two skeletons launched to attack her, but she was quick to dodge the incoming attack from her right by spinning with one of her paws and kicking one skeleton. The other was about to slash her from behind, but a fireball impacted her with it making the bone soldier burn into ashes. Tamamo stood and look at Caster who helped her.

Tamamo Cat: Thank you! 

Caster smirk spinning his baculum and launched a fireball at a skeleton who was about to slash him.

Cú: Don't worry Kitty~ I had your back and maybe something else *Wink*

Tamamo unfaced by his attempt to flirt just looked at him with eyes closed and mouth in cat shape.

Cú: You could at least say something *anime tears*

Tamamo Cat: That was lame woof!

With that, Tamamo rushed past him leaving at the Servant with his head low. Tamamo rushed to  Rituska was a few steps behind from the battle, helping to attend to the injured soldiers.  The boy leaves one of the injured soldiers with a comrade who was attending the injured. Standing up he walks towards his fox servant.

Ritsuka: Good work there Tamamo.

Tamamo turns to face him with her's typical cat smile. He smiles but his face shows confusion when his servants pointed to her head. Ritsuka then catches the hint and pat the Fox....cat...dog? Whatever his servant is head, Making Tamamo's tails swing from one side to another. Mash on not too far away looks frankly around in searching for Y/n, The poor girl wasn't with them at the moment they land in this era, so this alert everyone. With nothing found, Mash makes her's way to Ritsuka.

Ritsuka: Found something?

To Ritsuka's disappointment Mash shake her head. Ritsuka runs his right hand through his hair letting out an exasperated sigh.

Ritsuka: .... Well, Let's... Let's help the soldiers, maybe they can give us a bit of information.

Mash: Yeah... you're right.

The master and the servant start walking. Ritsuka puts a hand on Mash soldier, making her stop and look at her's master.

Ritsuka: L-let me handle the chat to me *smile*

Mash blushed with embarrassment since when they meet the first french soldiers she messed up with some words and they ended attacking them. Mash looks down ashamed.

Mash: Please do...




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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