Norwegian Wood

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I wrote this like 2 other times, eeehhhh. Sorry I went dead on yeahs, uncool of meh. Enjoy the chapter.

"Ahh, I mean, yeah it's fun," drink sloshes around in Paul glass as he speaks, "I love the songs you know?"

The girl across from Paul laughs as she tops off his glass. They are sitting on small rugs in the strange ladies living room. She is someone that John knows but how he knows her is a mystery to Paul.

Paul finishes his glass and sets it down on the floor. Lips turning up into a droopy smile, almost animated like. John, sitting right next to Paul, knees touching, sips his drink. The glass still full but by the way his cheeks are flushed it wasn't his first.

"Thanks again for letting us stay here for the night."

"My pleasure John, nice to help out an old friend." The girl sets down the bottle after she realizes that it's empty, "Well, it's time for me to turn in I have to work in the morning."

Paul breaks out in laughter at the mundane statement and leans on John.

John just smiles, "We don't, but hopefully I'll see you again?"

"Perhaps." The girl gets up and leaves winking at John right before she closes the door behind her.

Alone now, the room feels almost unnatural. Paul's laughter died down and now he is snuggling into John's side like an overgrown puppy.

"John, John, John~," Paul giggles, "let's have some fun~."

"Paulie your drunk."

"So are you," Paul taps John on the nose, "Boop!"

"Come on, let's get you to bed," John gets up and brings Paul up with him. The bassist instantly slumps into John's side, rubbing up against him.

After a minute the two enter a hallway and walk towards the room at the end. Paul starts tugging on John's shirt. Passing the bathroom door Paul detaches himself from John's side and rushes into the bathroom. Paul disappears behind the door frame and John doesn't follow, with the thought that he has to hurl or piss.

John stands there in silence.



Thinking that he got himself stuck John rushes into the bathroom stumbling a bit. Pushing back the door John almost instantly laughs at the sight. Paul is in the empty bath, leg dangling out and back pressed up against the curve of the tub.

"Paul what are you doing?"

"I'm-...actually I don't know what I'm doing but I like it here."

"Paul you're blitzed."

"Oh, and what a wonderful thing indeed."

John walks over to the tub and attempts to get Paul out, "Come on, let's go."

"No, I don't wanna, you come in here with me." Paul grabs John by his shirt and pulls throwing John off balance. John then falls into the tub in a compromisable position. Trying not to fall on his friend John is straddling Paul. Surprisingly there was plenty of room in the clawfoot bath. Why on earth does a lady need a bath big enough that two grown men can fit inside?

Paul giggles at the sudden closeness, "Come on Johnny, shag me like you used to."

The blurted out statement smacks John almost like a physical one.

"Paul we agreed that we wouldn't ever talk about it," John says through gritted teeth.

"I know but it was so much fun, especially in '62." Paul wiggles his eyebrows looking up at John. John seems to pounder the notion, yeah it was fun but they stopped when the band took off. It was never hard to get sex so they just stopped and agreed to never speak about it.

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