kIdNapPiNg iN ThE nAmE oF VsCo ((Ft. some extra dummy thicc Danny DeVito))

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Chat Name Guide

Midoriya: baby
Uraraka: Kirby
Iida: GottaGoFast
Tsuyu: datboi
Todoroki: Canada
Bakugo: AngryPupper
Kirishima: BabyShark
Kaminari: Zappydaddy
Sero: Bondage
Mina: Area51AlienHoe
Jiro: BisexualiTEA
Momo: GOD
Tokoyami: WelcomeToTheGreatDepressy
Shouiji: HentaiDaddy
Ojiro: KarateMonkey
Hagakure: InvisiBitch
Aoyama: TittyCroissant
Koda: SweetCheeks
Sato: FeedMeSenpai
Shinso: NekoNekoNii
Yui: KudereHoe
Kendo: SisterFister
Monoma: Kazookid
Teruteru: DaddyShark
Ibara: MissJesusChrist
Mei: RoboThot

Temporary chat name guide

Mineta: SourGrape
All Might: Twunk
Aizawa: Daddy
Present Mic: COCKatoo
Midnight: Sadist
Nezu: Furry2.0
Shigaraki: Handjob
Toga: StabbyCutie
Dabi: burntnugget
Twice: whoareyouimyou
Magne: Fuckgender
Kurogiri: Mamagiri

((Give me ideas smh))

Daddy: You dumb shits

Zappydaddy: Ah shit here we go again

MissJesusChrist: Of course you heathens are in trouble already.

Kazookid: this is why we are better than 1a

InvisiBitch sent Doubt.gif

Daddy: You fucks, Midoriya amd Uraraka have been missing for three days and nobody told me

InvisiBitch: I mean...ur kinda the teacher lol

KarateMonkey: Yeah, shouldn't you have...yknow...noticed after the first hour?

Daddy: I. Dont. Care. I. Just. Dont. Want. To. Get. In. Trouble. With. Nezu. For. Loosing. Kids. Again.

Canada: Again?

Area51AlienHoe: awww lighten up mr aizawa! You love us uwu

Daddy: No.

Twunk: He does, but that is not the point. Where are the other two?

baby: oh

Kirby: are

baby: you

Kirby: talking

baby: about

Kirby: us

30 people are typing...

Sadist: You kids are going to cause the school to blow up

baby: lol sorry. We got kidnapped by the villains again ✊🤠👊

36 people are typing...

Handjob: you snitches

Twunk: AGAIN?

Daddy: I honestly dont get paid enough

Area51AlienHoe: awww yall got kidnapped without me? No fair :'(

StabbyCutie: we'll kidnap u next time okii?

Furry2.0: I would rather you not, but I suppose I cant stop you.

Daddy: You can.

Daddy: You can stop them

Daddy: You can stop them so easily.

Sugardaddy: awwww! Dad cares about us!

baby: My dad left to grab milk ten years ago but never came back...

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