sOfT hOuRS ((Ft. my babys being idiots but sOfT idiots 💞))

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Chat Name Guide

Midoriya: Joe
Uraraka: Mama
Iida: Iidad
Tsuyu: datboi
Todoroki: SpicyIceCube
Bakugo: BakaBoi
Kirishima: BabyShark
Kaminari: Zappydaddy
Sero: Bondage
Mina: Area51AlienHoe
Jiro: RockAndRollMcdonalds
Momo: GOD
Tokoyami: WelcomeToTheGreatDepressy
Shouiji: HentaiDaddy
Ojiro: KarateMonkey
Hagakure: IzusDad
Aoyama: BrighterThanMyFuture
Koda: SnowWhite❤
Sato: CaptainDiabetes
Shinso: TrollDollCutie
Yui: KudereHoe
Kendo: SisterFister
Monoma: Kazookid
Teruteru: DaddyShark
Ibara: MissJesusChrist
Mei: RoboThot

Temporary chat name guide

Mineta: SourGrape
All Might: Twunk
Aizawa: Jesus
Present Mic: COCKatoo
Midnight: Sadist
Nezu: Furry2.0
Shigaraki: Toemura
Toga: StabbyCutie
Dabi: burntnugget
Twice: whoareyouimyou
Magne: Fuckgender
Kurogiri: Mamagiri

SisterFister: rIsE aNd ShiNe

CaptainDiabetes: no stop thats dead now

Area51AlienHoe: Oop

Zappydaddy: I'm here and ready to say the n word lol


Zappydaddy: n

Zappydaddy: n

Zappydaddy: nEZU CoUgH CoUgH

Joe: I'm so distressed rn 🤢🤡😭 my child slaves 😫😖😍 are eating eachother ✨😳😲😵 because i havent fed them in 69 hours 😈😘💅❤

Mama: hot give us a underground bunker tour 😷

datboi: I'm a top.

Mama: ik tsu.

IzusDad: yall quit blowin me

Area51AlienHoe: no

IzusDad: my phone is vibrating like all fuck and my vlog viewers are going nuts

StabbyCutie: yall no how im like super hot?

StabbyCutie: like i just asked twice to make a clone of me and i fucked it lol

Area51AlienHoe: bro that would be a epic hentai 😳

Zappydaddy changed their chat name to PapaJohn

PapaJohn: oh it is. Want me to send yall the link?

PapaJohn sent DamnIZuLookingMightyPlusUltraThicc.jpeg

PapaJohn: lol wrong pic

Joe: i am lookin mighty fine tho ngl

Joe: I definitely have a nice ass

Mama: I agree.

PapaJohn: gaem

Area51AlienHoe: damn yall hoes out here speakin straight F A C T S

WelcomeToTheGreatDepressy changed their chat name to SadChickenNugget

SadChickenNugget: not to get political but wtf is oatmeal?

Kazookid: ngl that was hella deep

GOD: I...Ask your father.

Iidad: Dont ask me. Ask Shigaraki.

Toemura: uhhhhh

IzusDad: bro its gucci if u dnt no uwuwu

Toemura: stfu bitch im thinking

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