Chapter 1

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Edited on the  13th of November 2019


Today is the first day of school for everyone in National City. Alarms were blaring through the city silence, at seven in the morning, for the first time in two months. Summer was officially over and it was back to the grind and the same old routine.

But there was one person out there who's life was going to change today when she walks through the doors of National City High school. Their first day at a new school. No one knows who they are. A fresh start.

Lena Luthor. A girl with long, wavy, raven hair which reached down to her lower back, big, bright, emerald eyes which capture everyone's attention, a beaming smile and to top it all off she's tall and slender with the perfect complexion.

You're probably asking, 'Why does someone who sounds so perfect need a fresh start?', well, you thought it, she's perfect and although she is, the world isn't. It wasn't any of her doing that made her need a new life. It was her brother's doing. Her brother's actions were so bad the whole family was looked down on. Without even knowing Lena, people made assumptions about who she was and why she wanted to study chemistry and biology.

For the past seven years of her life, Lena has stuck to reading her precious books and playing with the science kits her parents got her for Christmas and her birthdays. She never had big parties or many friends to invite to said parties. For as long as she can remember the only friends that she had left off of her own accord were her imaginary friends.

But now everything could change. She's young, free and the closest she's ever been to happiness. She has more than just a minimum wage pay, a job, a house to live in, enough money to buy food and to pay for running water and electricity. For the first time twenty-one years, her life seems almost full. And I say almost because the one thing that has no scientific explanation is love, and the only thing Lena wants right now, is to feel loved, to be in love with someone.

She swings her legs out of the thin bedsheets and slams her hand on the alarm clock, which she had allowed to ring multiple other times, before taking any actions to turn it off. Her phone pings and not one-second later the message is on the screen facing towards her, her eyes squinting and taking several seconds to adjust to the change in lighting. She puts the phone back down, yawns and rubs her eyes gently.

Breakfast was the usual bowl of lucky charms and an apple. Fifteen minutes later and she had put her bowl in the dishwasher and is now striding around the apartment in her big, oversized, grey, Yale hoodie from her university. She runs her fingers through her tousled hair and sits cross-legged on the sofa to watch some news before leaving to go to school at 8.

She tugs on a shirt and tucks it into her pencil skirt, pushes her feet into her small heels and straightens out her clothes in the mirror. She looks at the bags under her eyes and sighs deeply. She had been so nervous about her new job the past few days that sleeping was her biggest problem. Pulling out the eyeliner from her makeup-bag, she paces to the bathroom and applies it as neatly and quickly as she could quickly brushing powder on top.

Taking a final look at herself in the mirror behind her door she brushes a few baby hairs out of her face and pins them down behind her ears with bobby pins. She grabs her keys and rushes out of the house the time being 8:05 and needing to be at the school at 8:30.

Thirty minutes later she pulls up in the school parking lot and curves through the whole lot looking for parking. As she was backing up into one a sign caught her eye, 'Teacher parking' with an arrow pointing ahead of her. Curiously and cautiously she drives in the direction of the arrow only to follow three others that led her to somewhat another parking lot with fifty parking spaces, all of them with different teachers names. Although she highly doubted that she would find her name there, she did, it looks freshly painted. She smiles and backs into the parking, happy that she won't have to look for parking every day.

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