Chapter 6

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Lena walks into class still holding her cup of coffee. Whilst setting it on the desk a student came barging into the class. "Miss Luthor, please hurry, Kara has gotten into a fight." At the sound of this Lena's blood boils. 'Who does Kara think she is walking in here and starting a fight with someone?' Lena thinks. She barges out of the classroom and into the hallway.Lena looks at the sight of Kara sitting on top of a male student punching his face after every word. "If. You. Don't. Have. Anything. Nice. To. Say. Then don't say anything at all!" Kara screams.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Lena shouts. The whole corridor goes quiet and Lena has a moment to take in Kara's appearance. Her red crop top covered in what she believes as the boys' blood. There is blood dribbling down from her nose and a slight cut above her eye. "What do you think you are doing Miss Danvers? Go and wait in the nurse's office and take the poor lamb with you. Now!" She firmly orders.

Kara opens her mouth to speak but thinks it better if she didn't so she ends up looking like her fish, opening and closing her mouth in hesitation. She sighs and pushes herself off the boy and offers a hand to help him up. The boy gladly took her hand but instead of lifting himself up he pulls her down and straddles her. He throws a couple of punches to her face and the classmates all scream and so does Lena. "STOP!" The boy just stands up, smirks and walks towards the nurse's office.

"Kara, get up now please. Stop mucking about and go to the nurse's office." Kara tries to lift herself up off the marble floors but her arms are shaking and she collapses down. "Kara, come on, stop playing games."

When there is no answer from the blonde-haired teenager, Lena goes up to her and flips her over onto her back. Her top got hitched up and the bruising and cuts are seen by the whole student body. Lena quickly grabs a jumper from anyone and covers Kara soon noticing that the blood oozing from her nose isn't stopping."Get the nurse, bring her here." She tells one of the students that are gathered around. They leave and Lena looks at another student whose phone is still filming the event. "Stop filming and give me the phone." She snatches the phone out from the boy's hand and plays the video to see how this started.

"You think you're the boss of this school?" The boy in the video sneers. Kara just stares at him not even flinching.

"I know I'm not, but I am damn close to the person who runs this place." She says in his face, clenching her jaw and slightly growling.

"Is that what you think?" He scoffs and chuckles. "Seems to me that he's upset with you, whore."

"Shut up." Kara demanded through gritted teeth. He took a step towards her and she took one back. Her back hit the lockers with a crash and he kept on moving forwards. "What do you want?" She asked.

"You are so oblivious aren't you, so...unaware of everything around you. It's quite funny really. Your boyfriend thinks, he runs this school, but we are on top of him. He is a twenty-year-old idiot."

"Don't you dare insult him."

"What are you gonna do about it? Hit me? You're surrounded Kara, there's no way out. If you really want to be at the top, your best bet is dating me." He put his left hand on kara waist, his right on the lockers and leaned in to kiss her. She moved her head as far back as it went.

"Get off me." Lena just about heard over the noise in the corridor and in the video. "Get off me." Kara repeated again, this time louder. Then she pushed him away.

"Why did you push me, whore? Hmm? You shouldn't fucking touch me with such bad intentions, it'll get you hurt." He said in a low, powerful voice and angry tone. "Push me away again and I'll smack you." He leaned in again quickly but Kara used her super-speed to knee him in balls. Lena gasps as she watches the video. He gets back up again and smacks Kara on her already hurt cheek and collapses on the floor again. She watches the video and sees how quickly Kara's face went red with anger. She straddles him and punches him and Lena knows what goes on after that.

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