Chapter 2

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Edited 13th November 2019


"Quiet down guys. Sit down. Come on." Lena says standing up from her chair. The students slide off their desks and into their chairs and ten seconds later all their eyes are on her. "Good morning guys. I'm Miss Luthor, your new Biology teacher. I don't really know you guys at all. So, what do you guys say about getting to know each other?" The class groans and rolls their eyes. "I know you guys do this every year but we are going to be working very close to each other this year and I would love to get to know you guys. I'm going to take the register and whilst I'm doing that come up and grab your textbooks and exercise books for this year. Write your textbook number on this sheet..." she says as she rips a piece of paper out of her notebook and holds it up. "...with your name. Then you can sit back down." Instantly people stand up from their chairs and make their way to the front. Lena opens her laptop and once again uses the directions on the paper to guide her to the online registration page.

In about two minutes Lena has the register on her screen, up and running. "Okay, everyone! Listen up for your names. Alison?"

"Here." She replies with an unenthusiastic tone. Lena clicks the box without looking up and calls the next name.


"Here." Lena reads the next name and this time she looks up to fit a face to the name. Although she is totally against judging the kids before knowing them she can't help but see what she's like. It's human nature.

"Alex?" A silence fills the room. "Alex?" She calls again. She waits for an answer and finally after making eye contact with a student beside her, she gets one.

"She's not here, it's her first day she's always late on the first day." Lena sighs and types absent into Alex's box. Right underneath Alex's name is Kara's. She looks up again and looks around to make a quick guess: which one's Kara.

"Kara?" No answer. "Kara?" She should've guessed that Kara would come into class late.

"Alex and Kara are sisters if one's not here the other isn't." The same student explains. Lena sighs and carries on with the register. A few minutes later she's done and she stands up.

"Okay, does everyone have a textbook and exercise book?" She asks the class nods and groans 'yes'. "Right then. Every teacher loves to do this thing where you stand up and say your name and 3 things about yourself but I...I like to do something a little different. Everybody stand up, move your desks to the sides and stand in a circle. Let's go, come on." Everyone stands up and pushes their desks to the two ends of the room. The sound of metal legs scraping against the floor overpowers the sound of the door opening and two more students entering.

Whilst the circle was being formed, Kara and Alex slip into it and stand beside Camila. Kara asks Camila what's going on: "Oi, Mila, what's going on?"

"That's Miss Luthor, she's our new Bio teacher. She wants to get to know each other more so we're going to play a game." Camila whispers.

"Which one?" Alex asks, leaning forward to look at Camila. Camila just shrugs her shoulders, keeping quiet as the class starts to do the same.

"You two. Why are you late to my class?" Lena asks without even turning around. Alex's jaw drops as she tries to find something to say, but she finds she has nothing to say as a mix of shock and interest takes over her mind. Kara just stood there with a smirk playing on her lips. Lena finally turns around at looks at them both.

Instantly Lena is taken aback. She looks at the two girls up and down. 'Which one is Alex and which one's Kara.' She asks herself. The one on her left stands there with an amused expression plastered on her face. She has bright red, shaved hair on the sides of her head and length on top, similar to a mohawk but longer. Her hair was combed back neatly with gel to show her somewhat formally. She wore black Doc Martens, black slightly ripped skinny jeans with a blue sleeveless flannel neatly tucked in. Her hands were pushed into the front pockets of her jeans and her left thumb had a silver ring.

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