Chapter 2: What Dreams May Come...

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Alec can't get the kiss out of his head...

Alec has yet ANOTHER confusing encounter that just leads to more questions


Alec swallowed, eyes flickering from the bright shimmering violet eyes to his unbelievably soft looking pinkish red lips...his heart rate picking up a bit at the sound of the man's breath hitching.

He leaned up, lips brushing lightly against Alec's, just the faintest tease of a touch before pulling back. Alec gasped, unable to help leaning down, chasing after his lips, catching them again, nipping lightly at his lower lip before pressing forward into a full, deep, passionate kiss.

The guy gave a soft whimper like sound, responding, pressing closer. His hands shifted faintly, catching Alec's, entangling their fingers, squeezing tight. Alec felt a dizzying, electric buzz clear to his toes. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt.

Damn...that was just incredible...

Alec gasped, startling awake, trying to shake off the dizzying, breathless feeling...


Every freaking night for the last week he'd had the same dream- memory- whatever you wanted to call it. Ever since his encounter with the strange shimmery, color changing man. He just couldn't get it out of his head.

And it wasn't the oddness of the encounter or the blatantly obvious power the man possessed, or even how easily he could have gotten the drop on Alec, took him out. It wasn't the danger or the threat or the totally warranted fear at such a close encounter with a clearly dangerous, totally unknown supernatural...

It was that damn kiss.

Every night this week he'd woken up breathless, feeling that dizzying, electric buzz clear down to his toes. He was beginning to think it was a kind of spell or enchantment.

Yeah, the guy had been gorgeous...if he was honest the man was probably easily the most beautiful person Alec had ever seen (Shimmery green or hot pink skin notwithstanding), and in truth the entire situation was a bit of an adrenaline rush. It would stand to reason it might stick in his mind ...but this was downright excessive.

He just could not shake the memory of that kiss.

And that was the thing...there was SO much more he should be focusing on about the encounter.

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