Chapter 3: Gossip Boys (Couldn't Resist)

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Alec and Simon Talk about the attack- and Alec's sparkly green guardian angel...

Simon Has an Idea How they might be able to find out more about Magnus...but it's kinda risky.


"...And then he just jumped into the swirling cloud like thing and disappeared." Alec finished with a shrug, trying to seem like his freaking out was just about the weird supernatural goings on and random shadow creatures as opposed to his insanely pretty, scarily powerful, way too flirty 'guardian angel'...

Who was admittedly definitely no angel...

Alec glanced away, rubbing nervously at the back of his neck, trying to ignore that train of thought. He shook his head faintly, trying to keep his mind from wandering back and concentrate on the task at hand. They were currently setting in his room at the institute. Figured it was the best place for them to talk without anyone overhearing. Their quarters were about the only private space available. True, they were a bit cramped, and honestly kinda stark and bare (admittedly his slightly more than most) but it was a fair bit better than trying to talk about it out in one of the common areas and risking someone overhearing. This topic was uncomfortable enough to talk about with just one person who he truly trusts.

Definitely don't want to add anyone else to the mix...

He turned faintly, glancing over at Simon setting on the desk chair next to the bed.

"So...what do you think S-

Simon?" he paused, tilting his head, looking the ancillary over worriedly.

He looked almost frozen, eyes wide, mouth slightly hanging open. Alec leaned forward a bit, waving his hand in front of his face,

"Simon? alright there? W-"

He suddenly unfroze, bouncing up excitedly, flailing

"Dude! Oh my god! That is SO freaking cool! W-h-how-when...That is so freaking awesome! You fought Canisumbra- a pack of them! And met a crazy powerful Supernatural who protected you and fought with you-not against you but with you! Like joining forces against a pack of terrifying, slobbering, teleporting death! And you survived! You're here and okay and you even have a crazy, enchanted knife to prove it!

That the sparkly green guy gave you!

Like as a gift!

That is SO freaking cool!" He bounced slightly, turning more towards Alec giving a hopeful, pleading look,

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