Chapter 8: Ghosts Of the Past

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*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~Alec ~*~ Alec~*~Alec ~*~ Alec ~*~ Alec~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

W-what...that's just...what?

T-that was Izzy...That. Was. Isabelle. His sister. Looking almost just like she did five years ago. Sharp, dark eyes, striking red lipstick, wavy dark hair. Though that's a bit different, it used to be far longer, halfway down her back. Now it's in faintly wild, haphazard waves falling just above her shoulders.

But still, that IS Izzy. Those are Izzy's 'fashionably distressed' dark blue jeans that he's never understood and her stupidly spiky heels that she'd bound around the rooftops like freaking Catwoman in and he'd always tease here doubled as weapons (that he'd actually seen her USE as weapons on more than one occasion). That's her signature 'lucky' leather jacket that she'd never go anywhere without with the zippers and the buckles and random too small for anything pockets and all that random decorative crap he never could figure out the point of...the jacket she was wearing the day of the fight. The day of the attack. Day she died...

Or so he thought.

Alec swallowed, head shaking faintly, feeling his heart rate skyrocket, breathing becoming shallow.

"W-D-Izzy...wha-" he trailed off, unsure where to even begin, head spinning slightly feeling simultaneously too hot and too cold and altogether unsteady on his feet.

Magnus gasped softly, standing up darting over next to him, reaching over, resting his hand lightly on Alec's shoulder, a glimmer of sparkling violet flames flickering about his fingers. Alec gasped, shivering at an odd, warming sensation, feeling his heart rate even out, breathing normalizing, unable to resist leaning into the touch. Magnus settled closer, arm slipping around Alec's shoulder squeezing, hand traveling soothingly up and down his arm, the glimmer of flames flickering against his skin. Alec shook his head, glancing from Izzy over to Magnus blinking in confusion.


"It's just a small spell sweetheart, apologies, I know Angelus Sanguis tend to be rather twitchy about magic and generally I'd never use it on someone without their express permission but you were getting dangerously close to passing out. I figured you'd find this a bit more preferable, especially in the face of such a great shock." he huffed, pulling away just the tiniest bit, shaking his head censuringly, bright violet gaze shifting from Alec over to Izzy.

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