Chapter 5: Hell Of A First Impression

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Chapter Complete!!*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*Simon-Simon-Simon-Simon-Simon*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

Okay apparently clubs are loud...

Who knew?

Simon startled, jumping faintly in surprise, trying to fight off the urge to cover his ears at the sudden onslaught of sound. From outside you could see the barest hint of a spell, hear whispers of sound and music on the wind, but man, the second they stepped through it was like the volume cranked up to eleven. Though part of that could've been his ears popping from the sudden change in the atmosphere- it's kinda similar to a change of elevation- everything just feels odd and different.

Even without the sudden sound blast stepping through the masking spell was somewhat disorientating. He knew what caused it, had actually been expecting it- as he'd said he'd read everything possible about Raphael. Much of that did mention the spell and Chaos. The sudden change was the tangible elements of the spell. It would never totally go away, that was actually purposeful. It was a way for people to know implicitly that the spell was there, that they were protected. Most said it actually became a kind of comforting presence.

Even though he knew what it was and had been expecting it it's still a pretty jarring sensation.

Maybe he should've given Alec a head's up...

He glanced over, Alec looked jumpy and kinda twitchy, looking around, hand trailing to the hidden pocket for his knife out of habit. Simon reached over, catching his arm. He startled faintly, Simon shook his head, flashing a quick, reassuring smile,

"It's alright Alec- it's the spell. It's actually supposed to feel like that. This way people always know the spell is enacted. It's said after the initial adjustment period it's actually supposed to be kind of comforting."

Alec scoffed, shaking his head,

"Yeah, don't think I'll be hanging around here long enough for all of that."

Simon nodded,

"Sorry, I know it's insane but I really think it'll help, we can look around and see if we c..."

Simon trailed off, glancing around, unable to quite contain a gasp, blinking rapidly in amazement.

Oh wow...


It was so much bigger than he'd imagined. He'd been expecting a kind of smaller bar type feel but this looked almost like an entire warehouse reimagined into a club. There were two floors. The second was open in the center, a gleaming, intricately designed black guardrail encircling the catwalk giving a perfect view of the dance floor down below. He saw a few people standing by it, chatting, drinking or just taking in the crowd...can't say he blames them there.

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