Chapter 7: Knight In Shining Clubwear Returns...

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*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~Alec ~*~ Alec~*~Alec ~*~ Alec ~*~ Alec~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* is what he was going for...

H-he thinks...

The room shaking, indoor storm, wave of sheer, unmistakable, power may have him kinda second guessing that.

He knew the guy was powerful- that was obvious. He took out seven hell beasts that Alec thought were all but invincible- and he'd done it like it was nothing. Flat out said he'd faced things that made them look like nothing...and after the fight Alec damn well believed it. But there's 'obviously powerful' and then there's 'Makes the Demon kings abilities seem nearly tame in comparison' kinda powerful.

He swallowed, blinking faintly, looking up at the swirling, churning mass of thunderclouds shot through with white hot, electric violet lightning, shivering at the near oppressive wave of power he felt sweep through the room.

He gulped.

Yeah...he may not have thought this entirely through.

The clouds seem to part slightly, a glimmering, impossibly dark violet abyss opening in the center of the swirling, churning chaos. A sleek, lithe figure dropped down, landing agilely in a crouch, a shockwave rippling out across the office, probably felt through the entire building- hell possibly further. He sprung to his feet, head shifting, power radiating from him, eyes flashing bright as the electric violet lightning above, glowing brilliant and dangerous, bizarrely iridescent violet flames and electric sparks dancing from his hands up over his shoulders creating an ethereal, otherworldly aura like glow.

"Raphael Santiago!" The entire room quaked with the voice, it reverberated off the walls becoming a near physical thing that shot straight through you, something you could feel clear deep down in your very bones.


"Don't you d-...

Alexander?" He trailed off, catching sight of Alec sitting- startled and wide eyed but otherwise unharmed- in the red leather wingbacked chair. He blinked in surprise, flames flickering down a bit, head tilting curiously.

Alec swallowed, giving a slight wave.

"Umm...H-hey Magnus...."

He blinked again in confusion, glancing around, taking in the room; Alec's rather dumbstruck expression, the annoyingly smirking demon with the quirked, thoroughly unimpressed eyebrows and 'gotcha' expression, and Simon with his impossibly wide eyes, mouth slightly open, frozen in shock and total amazement, near buzzing with energy (Oh man when he snapped out of it it's gonna be something else). He lingered a moment on Simon before shifting back again to Alec, swallowing, the flames dissipating a bit more. Hesitantly he tilted his head.

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