Cameron Frye

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After all the events that had occurred that day, and after crashing the Ferrari. You had decided to stay with Cameron. You knew he wanted to face his dad, but you just wanted to be there for him afterwards.

You had been sitting in Cameron's room with him waiting for his dad to come home. He had started to get a little anxious so he was lying down, and you were next to him running your hands through his hair. "You know Cam, you're being really brave.. and I'm really proud of you." You say to him. His eyes are closed and his eyelashes were brushing his cheeks. You look down at him admiring his features. "I just- I have to do it. I can't be afraid anymore." He said, sitting up. He turned to look at you, and smiled as he saw you staring at him.
"(Y/n), hey are you ok?" He asked with a blush.
You snapped out of your daze, and blushed looking away. "Oh.. uh yeah, yeah I'm fine. Sorry I just zoned out for bit." You say quickly from slight embarrassment.
"Why, why are you blushing?" He asked walking towards you.
"Wha- what? No, I'm not blushing.." you say pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

You felt a hand on the side of your face, and you turned to look at Cameron. He had a smile on his face as looked at you. "You know how I said that I'm not afraid anymore..." he said his hand still on your face, and his thumb brushing your cheek. Your eyes are wide as you give a shy nod. "Yeah, um I'm really umm yeah I'm proud of you." You said stuttering and stumbling over your words. "(Y/n), you said that already." He said laughing softly "but thanks.."
You laughed lightly "right sorry."
You both just looked at each other memorizing each others features.
All of a sudden, he started to slowly lean in, seeing this your eyes fluttered closed and you pushed up on your toes lightly.
His lips met yours, and your arms immediately wound around his neck pulling him closer. And his hands traveled from your face down to your waist. It was a long and passionate kiss, not what you had expected from Cameron, but you were pleasantly surprised.
Pulling away you were both breathing heavily, your eyes were still closed, and when you opened them you saw Cameron staring at you lovingly, a smile across his lips.

Breaking you out of your moment you heard the front door slam. Your eyes widen, and Cameron gripped your waist a little tighter. "Cam, you can do this I'll be here ok." You gave his shoulders a squeeze bringing him into another kiss. "That's for good luck. I love you Cam." He looked at you and smiled a tight lipped smile. "Can I have one more just for good meausre?" You smiled and kissed him one more time. "Go, get him Cam." He took a deep breath and walked towards the door. "I love you (y/n)." He said before going out to face his father.