Alternate ending to waves of emotion

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"Brittany, you need to tell him. Just tell him, please.Everything will be ok." Cameron pleaded with you. you looked up at him and shook your head rapidly fear coursing through you at the thought. "No, no, no, i can't do that, Sloane would kill me. he probably doesn't even like me that way." your voice was frantic. "You'll just have to find that out for yourself. I'm letting him in and you're gonna tell him." he stated firmly before releasing you and moving towards the door. you were frozen to your spot, helpless as he opened the door and told Ferris that you wanted to talk to him in private.

Ferris walked through the door, and smiled gently at you, as he saw you were crying. Trying to give you some type of comfort, he walked over and hugged you close. "hey, what did you wanna talk about Britt?" he asked calmly, his smile still across his lips. You breathed in a shaky breath once again before finally caving into the fact that the subject was bound to come to light sooner rather than later. Your turned your gaze toward the ground, and just blurted it out as fast as you could. "Ferris, I love you." taking a step back, you looked towards the sandy tiles on the bathroom floor. your eyes were shut, as you prepared for rejection. Instead of rejection she got a chuckle, looking up at him quickly with a hurt look on your face. "what are you laughing at Ferris? I did expect a rejection but i didn't think you would laugh at me.." your voice shook more than it had before. He stopped laughing to look down at you, frowning at the words you had said to him. "No, Brittany, it's not like that." he said reaching out grab your hand, as he did so you hesitantly took a small step back. "Then what was it Ferris?" the question casts a shadow of anxiety across the room. Both of your hearts racing, waiting for him to answer. "well, what was it?" you ask again. 

"Brittany I was laughing because i can't believe you would love me too.." He said, voice softer than usual. your eyes grow wide, and you swear you could feel every ounce of blood rushing to your cheeks. "Why did you and Sloane kiss?.." you asked once again beginning to doubt everything. Shaking his head, reaches for your hands once again, this time successfully intertwining your fingers. "It was her plan.. she knew how much i liked you, and she could tell you liked me too. Wanting to get us together she decided to try and make you jealous, jealous enough to do something about it." he said his eyes looking into yours, filled with truth and so much love you never got to see in his eyes usually. 

you began to laugh this time, finally coming to the realization that Sloane really was trying to make you jealous by talking about the kiss and stuff. "Why are you laughing this time?" he asks in a much lighter and teasing tone. "Because i can't believe you love me too" you quote him from earlier before reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck gently pushing up on your toes to kiss him softly. You could feel his smile against your lips as he began to kiss back holding you tighter than ever. As his lips continue to press sweet kisses to your lips you smile and think to yourself.. " His lips really are soft.." 

For BrittanyMakayla 💛😊