Ferris Bueller

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For BrittanyMakayla

You had been sitting in class for about an hour now, practically falling asleep. Listening to your teach drone on and on about prison or something. Your best friend and longtime crush Ferris Bueller had called you early that morning to tell you that he was gonna get you out of class to go on an adventure.
Your thoughts had be racing all day, and your patience wore thin. You had been tapping your feet, and glancing down at your watch every few seconds just waiting for the moment to come.
Finally after what felt like ages, the nurse walked in calling me out of class, I gathered my things and walked over to her.
Stepping into the hallway she put a hand over mine "I'm sorry sweetheart but I have some bad news.." her voice was serious yet soft. As if trying to console me. "What, what's wrong?" You ask your eyes grow wide and scared. "Oh, dear, I'm, im so sorry but we have just been informed that your grandfather passed away." She said looking at me with sympathy. "Here we go, here come the waterworks." You thought smugly. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you threw your arms around her just crying. "Oh, honey, oh sweet girl it'll be ok, ah I'm so sorry." She said holding me tight stroking my hair. "May-may I please stay with you while my parents come to get me?" You choked out between sobs. "Oh, oh of course. Come with me hun right this way." She said leading you down the hallway. Looking over your shoulder you smirked and wink "that was my best performance yet!" You think to yourself.
Turning back around you continue your act.

A few minutes later the principle walked in. He had told you that your "parents" would be here soon, and he would walk you out.
You had to stop yourself from jumping out of your seat with excitement. After you had managed to do that you started your act again, you had your arms crossed and you were letting out little sniffles. You look up at him every now and then, and when he looked at you you wiped your eyes.
Finally you reached the doors of the school.
As soon as you got outside a red Ferrari pulled up.
"Well, Mr. Rooney that's my dad, I better get going. Thank you for being so kind." You say and wave goodbye. Turning around you see Ferris' arms open wide, as if saying make it look like I'm comforting you. Fake tears pool your eyes, and you run into his arms. He holds you for a moment before opening the door for you.

Now, you Cameron, and Ferris were off to the city for the day. You were all sitting in the car, and having fun. Ferris kept flirting with you.
"Hey, Brittany you know you look really beautiful today." You blushed "Huh, well thanks Ferris" you said smiling at him.
Cameron was surprisingly not paying attention after he heard the flirting.

"You know, Brittany I think you should stick by me in the city today. I don't want you to wander too far." He said taking one hand off the wheel and grabbing yours. "Ferris, I'll be ok, but I'll stay by you I promise." You said giving his hands squeeze. He looked over at you briefly giving you smile. You leaned in to kiss his cheek, and you could see his smile grow.

This was gonna be one hell of an adventure.