Ferris Bueller

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You had been laying on Ferris' bed, just curled up next to him. He had been telling you his tricks of getting out of going to school. He told you all about licking your palms to make it seem like you had clammy hands, and having a fake stomach ache. Listening to this you had laughed a few times, but were slightly in awe of him. Although that wasn't anything new, you had always been in awe of Ferris since you first saw him. 


It was your first day at a new school, and you had been very nervous. You had surprisingly gotten to all of your classes without getting lost, and you knew your locker combo. It was finally the end of the day and you couldn't be happier, you got to go home and just get away from the crowded and loud halls. 

As you began to walk out of the school and down the stairs, you saw a big crowd at the bottom. You had no clue what was going on but you began to get curious, so you stood on your toes to try and look over everyone. Just as you did this the crowd began to disperse, and standing in the middle was probably just the most handsome boy you'd ever seen. Walking down the stairs you began hearing a name, and you saw someone run over to this boy. "Ferris, hey what's new?!" someone said enthusiastically shaking his hand. Hearing his name you smiled, and shook your head. "He must be really popular.." you thought, not realizing you had stopped walking just to look at him. Noticing this you blushed and began to walk again, glancing over at the gorgeous boy every now and again. Just as you looked one more time, you saw he was looking at you too. He smiled and winked at you, and you gave an airy laugh blushing. He gave you a wave as you walked away, and then he shouted across the parking lot to you. "I hope  we can talk tomorrow beautiful!" hearing his words your cheeks reddened even more, and you nodded "Definitely Ferris!" you shouted back. "hey I didn't catch your name!" "Well I guess you'll have to ask me tomorrow loverboy!" you say and this time you send him a wink before walking away.


Yup, from that day on you knew that boy was something special. Now here you are laying next to him, as he tells you all of his crazy stories, and tricks. Looking up at him you smile and sit up, turning so that you slightly hovered over him. He had stopped talking and was watching you with a curious look in his dark brown eyes. 

"I'm in awe of you Ferris Bueller. I always have been." you say and trace a finger down his jaw smiling at him. His curiosity turned into love, and you swore you could see his eyes brighten at your words. "Well you know, I've felt the same." he said pausing for a moment.

"Since the first time I saw you" you both say at the same time, smiling. 

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