Matthew Broderick (Adam McMullen)

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For BrittanyMakayla

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For BrittanyMakayla

Adam had gotten jailed, and you, his grandfather, and father were set on your journey to bail him out. your chest had tightened the minute you got to the jail, and you began to get emotional. Trying to hold yourself together you successfully get to his little cell.  "Adam are you ok?" his father asked reaching through the bars to place a hand on his sons shoulder. "I'm ok dad. Brittany, babe are you ok?" he asks reaching through the bars to take your hand, but before he could you took a step back. "I-I can't do this right now.."you said your voice, breaking against your will, you run outside and hail a taxi. His grandfather comes running out after you "Brittany, where are you going?!" he shouts as you open the door tot he car and quickly get inside rolling the window down. "I can't do this right now, I need to go home. I'm sorry!" you shouted back overt he sound of rain and traffic. 

On the car ride home, you tried to keep composed in front of the driver. Getting out of the cab you handed the driver the money and thanked him softly. gripping your keys with shaky fingers, the smell of the rain on the pavement, calmed you slightly. breathing in a sigh of relief as you walked into your room, throwing your things on the ground, huffing before changing into comfy clothes. you sat on the bed and as you begin to think of Adam, tears well in your eyes "why did he have to do this. he promised eh wouldn't get caught. he promised me." thinking out loud.

you lay back on the bed, and bury your head in your pillow, crying and eventually you fell asleep. 

Your eyes fluttered open at the feeling of arms wrapping around you. You weren't scared as you knew the feeling of those arms anywhere. Adam was home, they had bailed him out. "Brittany, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to get caught, I'm so sorry you had to see that." he said softly, guilt present in that voice you adored so much. "You scared me so badly Adam, i though they were gonna put you away for so long. what would i do without you here?"  you spoke, your voice gravely from sleep and your earlier crying session. He cringed at the sound of your poor voice. "It won't ever happen again I swear, I'll never leave you." he said kissing your cheek and pulling you close to him. "I need you Adam." you said on the verge of tears again. "I'm here Brittany, I'm not going any where." his voice was soft as he nuzzled into your neck. you felt his glasses gently nudge you as he did this. A smile broke out on your face for the first time that day, "you didn't break your glasses, at least you listened to one thing i said. " you joked and you both softly laughed. "I love you Brittany."