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I wake up to heat beaming onto my face from the morning sun outside my window. My eyes flutter open and I sit upright rubbing my head.
Rays of sun and random blurry circles fill my vision.

I open my eyes to the very familiar sight of my messy bedroom.

After a moment last nights memories start flooding back into my head.

I quickly run to the mirror on my closet door and examine my neck.

But there was nothing, no wound, bruise or scar.

I poked it, and it was like nothing happened.

All of a sudden flashes of me walking home, and getting into bed flash into my mind.

Memories of me going to the pier and writing like a normal flood into my mind, except the women that died was just mugged.

It's like I had two versions of the same night in my head.

All of a sudden a wave of sharp pains combined with aches comes over my head.

"Argh..!" I fall to my knees as I hold onto my pounding head, and just as quickly as it comes it goes.

I look at myself in the mirror, as I start to question my sanity.

I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth as I try to figure out whether what I had was a dream or if it was real.

I didn't have classes until tomorrow on Monday so I had the day to myself.

I spent one last long look in the mirror looking at my neck checking for anything out of the ordinary, also scouring my room for any clue as to which version was true.

I took a quick shower and threw my thick and curly black hair into a high ponytail. I threw on my typical casual outfit and was out the door an hour later.



"Naomi!" Marce said, throwing a sugar cube into my lap.

"Sorry." I say snapping out of my daze, meeting with a pair of stern bright blue familiar eyes.

Marce and I met up to study, because despite whatever just happened, it was still the middle of the semester.

"We don't have to study, we can just talk." She says closing her book and leaning closer to me.

"But, midterms are coming up soon and I can't afford even one B this semester. I need to keep my scholarships." I say opening her book back up.

"That's true. But what's the use of studying if it isn't going to stick. Something's obviously on your mind." She says.

I shoot her a reluctant look but I quickly give in. I always told Marce everything and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep this from her that long anyway.

"Ok, but we can't talk where. Let's talk in the car." I say gathering my things.

She does the same and we head to my car.
As soon as both car doors are closed I say..

"Ok, so this is going to really crazy but Vampires are real and I saw them last night." I blurt out, half excited and half nervous for her response.

She stares blankly for a moment.

And I quickly explain to her what I think happened last night and the three guys that appeared and how I was bitten and I don't really remember coming home but I have memories of coming home.

She nods as I tell my story and patiently listens.

"First, are you okay?" She asks.

"I'm not crazy--"

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