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I groaned as I moved my body as I begin to wake up. I winced at each small movement as I felt my body ache all over.

It must still be dark.

I opened my eyes, not to the familiar sight of the sun beaming through my window into my messy room, but to darkness. Not completely black, but barely visible.

I was so cold and uncomfortable.

As I tried to stand, I fell back to the ground as something was holding me there.

The sounds of chains echo.

I flutter my eyes trying to adjust to the darkness and find myself in the same clothes as before and chains leading to my wrists.

I pull on the chain which then sends another echo of the chains clinking against the concrete and each other.

I then touch my sore neck, and this time, unfortunately, I found what I was looking for. My skin felt sore so the touch, as if the wound was still open, it was bumpy as his teeth had shredded my skin.

I pull my hand away to find bits of dried blood on it.

I look around and see that I'm in the basement of a building.

There were no windows, just stairs leading up to a door, which seemed to be the only way out. I couldn't even tell what time it was, I couldn't even tell if it were night or day. My clutch was gone which meant no phone, keys, or wallet.

I teared up as I remembered what happened last.

Flashes of him sinking his teeth into me ran rampant in my mind as I started tugging wildly and desperately on the chains hoping they'd break.

"Let me out!"

"Help! Please!" I screamed crying even harder now.

I had been bitten and kidnapped by a vampire. Apart of me wishes that maybe he had just killed me because at least I could see that coming, but now that he was keeping me alive.. 

Why? Where am I? How long had I been out? What's going to happen to me?

I sobbed as I looked up at the light pouring out from the basement door-

and suddenly he was standing over me.

I shriek and fall to the ground, I desperately crawl to the darkest corner of the room. Scraping my knees and hands in the process.

"Shhh, it's okay darling. You're okay." He says in a tone that was a bad attempt of a comforting one. It sent chills down my spine.

I wanted to scream at him. I parted my lips to say something but instead, I coughed horrendously, now feeling just how dry my throat felt.

"Here."He holds a plastic blue cup towards me.

I recoil from his hands causing him to spill the contents of it onto the ground and the cup rolls away.

"You taste too good for me to just let you die, I won't poison you." He says in an annoyed tone.

"Here, I'll fetch another." He says as he zips off and up the stairs only to return seconds later with another cup, but this time it was clear instead.

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