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"Derek West." She says smiling in a way that shows she may be an acquaintance or friend of his.

She gestures a round of applause as everyone claps quietly.

"Thank you for having me once again." He smiles looking out into the crowd, before his eyes land onto mine.

I sat there dumb-founded. I thought that this would've been a somewhat new thing for both of us, but this clearly was something somewhat familiar to him.

He glances away from me in a direction, sending a brief nod and he sits down on the tall stool and adjusts the mic as the music begins to play.

"..I've got you.." He began to sing as his eyes beamed at me and I smiled widely.

"Under my skin.."

This was his favorite song. He was so obsessed with Frank Sinatra in high school, almost as much as I was at the time with vampires-- except he didn't know that.

I watched in awe as he melted into the scene creating a warming ambiance. I looked at everyone watching him starry-eyed, swaying side to side as he sang.

"But why should I try to resist, when baby I know so well.."

I knew he could sing, but I always thought he was more interested in athletics, but after this moment I'm realizing that was probably to pay for college.

"But each time I do just the thought of you, Makes me stop just before I begin.." He sings in a flashy tone.

I sway and clap letting myself melt into the moment by closing my eyes.

I open my eyes to watch in amusement and admiration as he dances to the instrumental part of the song, widely, but also freely as if he was in his room alone.

There it was, one of the qualities that I admired so much about him. He never really cared about looking dumb or being laughed at. How I wished some of that would rub off on me..

"Yes, I've got you under my skin.." He finishes the song.

The audience stands to clap just as widely as he was dancing a moment ago.

The host comes out and she and Derek share a brief hug and say something to each other for a moment.

He hands her the mic and hops down from the stage landing right in front of my table.

I stand immediately and throw my arms around him.

Then I quickly place my hands on his shoulders pulling away for a moment to say.


I look at him, with my lips parted and prepared to talk yet nothing came out.

"I'm speechless.." I whisper a smirk tugging at my lips.

"The truth is I've been coming for months, you're the first person I wanted to see me here." he smiles as his hands linger on my waist from our hug.

"Well, you did amazing--honestly so great. I'm-- just-- wow." I say hugging him again, after realizing I still can't find the words to say to him.

"Thank you for coming." He laughs.

"Thank you for inviting me." I reply.

"Wanna get out of here?" He asks pulling away finally breaking our contact.

"But what about the other performers..?" I ask, as he was the first and this was only the beginning of the event.

He gives me a look and instantly I remember what kind of person he is. I only hoped my spirit was as free as his one day.

Love at first Bite.Where stories live. Discover now