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"How long have you been coughing blood?" I say as soon as the doctor walks out of the room.

"It's not a big deal--" He starts.

I place my hand atop his. It's cold.

"How long?" I say quieter.

"It's new, maybe a week or two." He says shame lingering in his voice.

"It's getting worse, isn't it?" I whisper.

We share a look between one another.

"Naomi.." He puts his hand behind my head and bringing it to his chest.

I feel his soft, steady heartbeat.

"There will come a day where I won't be hear anymore. Unfortunately, that day may be sooner than we'd both like, But I want you to know no matter what Ill always be with you or watching over you." He says, as his chest vibrates against my hand.

I close my eyes and a tear streams down my face. But before it falls he wipes it away and gives me a warm smile.

The doctor walks back in with X-rays.

"I've got some bad news." He sighs.

"I'm afraid it has gotten worse, despite treatment. I've decided that I can no longer continue your case confidently. However, I have a good friend who is an expert in this field who may be able to offer some better treatment options?" He says turning towards my father.

"Yes." I blurt before my father even has a chance to say anything.

My father nods coyly.

"Good, I'll be back in a jiff." He stands and walks out of the door all in one motion.

He returns moments later with someone else.

The first thing I notice about this someone was their brown spikey hair.

As my eyes trail from the familiar hairstyle to his face, I meet with brown eyes full of surprise.

It was the same vampire from last night, the one I didn't meet, the one who saved me.

Judging by his reaction he must recognize me as well.

I instantly tense up, unsure of what's going to happen next.

"Hello Mr and Ms. Young, I'm Dr. Seth Taylor. I specialize in lung cancer. Dr.Ramirez here has caught me up to speed on your case and said you would like to discuss some treatment options?" He says, quickly switching into a formal mode.

He reaches his hand out to shake my fathers but only sends a quick head nod of acknowledgment my way.

"You can call me James." My father shaking his hand.

"I will leave you guys to it. It was a pleasure working with you, James." Dr.Ramirez gives my dad a firm handshake coupled with a half hug, then he exits the room quietly as Dr.Taylor and my Dad talk.

I sit there only half paying attention, trying to figure out why so many things had to happen to me within 24 hours.

Well, not so many but such life-changing news.

Like that my dad isn't getting any better.

Like that vampires exist. I look over at Dr.Taylor as memories from last night flash through my mind.

A vampire as a doctor for humans.. ironic, but.. makes sense.

And then my dad... I tune in as I look over to him.

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