The Filming

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going through a gaycee drought boys 😓 pray for rain soon
sucks to suck man.... us seaycee stans are being fed
with what? stale videos of them saying they hate each other and some blurry pics of them with tessandra? okay 👀


One of the first things Kaycee thought when she woke up this morning was oh shit, it's filming day.

Her next, knee-jerk reaction was to jolt out of bed so quickly she lost vision for a second, fumbling to check the clock on her phone. She was already running late.

"Shit, shit, shit" she chanted repeatedly, stripping off clothes as she raced to shower. Glancing back at the line of discarded pajamas, she decided cleaning up now would be a waste of time, and hopped into the scalding hot water.

In record time, she was in a tank top and shorts, plugging in her straightener and beginning to flatten her hair. Luckily for her, Tessandra had ordered their outfits for the video itself, so she wouldn't have to worry about getting dressed at home.

Instead, she just had to worry about not burning herself while skimming the flat iron through her hair at neck breaking speed.

Her mind wandered to the last rehearsal she had the day before, just a day after her argument with Sean. The two had completely avoided conversation, and made extremely unnecessary insults any chance they got. She was hoping they could at least pretend their issues didn't exist for filming today, for the sake of the final product.

Her sudden zoning out led to the burning of her neck, a flurry of curse words leaving her mouth. This was very out of the ordinary for her, but today seemed to be taking the award for 'worst morning in existence', so she allowed herself the frustration as a fuel to move faster.

Quickly, she was bounding outside, car keys in one hand and phone in the other. She would be there with 30 minutes to spare if she left right now, leaving just enough time to get dressed and double check her hair.

Except when she turned the key in her car, the engine revved once, before going quiet.

Her jaw nearly disconnected from her head. She tried again, only for the same thing to happen, a defeated sound coming from underneath her car hood. She smashed her head into the steering wheel, letting it honk, while she screamed in frustration. The man in the parked car beside her glanced at her in fear, before hurriedly starting the car and driving away, the wheels squeaking with the instant increase in speed.

She could probably cry right now.

Her options were limited. Tahani was at class until noon, which was far too late for her. Tessandra would already be at the studio, considering it's her studio anyway. Gabe was hanging out with friends, and the idea of having to deal with him this early made her instinctively rub her temple. That left only one person she could call, who would be sure to bring her a migraine anyway.

Oh God, I really have to call him? She thought, scrolling to the name 'shithead bitch lewser' in her contacts and hesitating over the call button. For a second, she genuinely considered walking, contemplating whether the 30 minute drive would be too much longer if she ran. Before she could entertain the awful idea anymore, she hit call, not allowing herself the capacity to overthink it.

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