Chapter three: All for fame

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After a hard days training, Sergio Ramos huffed as his car stopped outside his house in Madrid.

He smiled after spotting his girlfriends car.

Searching through all the glove compartments of his Audi R8, he finally found what he was looking for: A small black box, containing within a 100% pure gold ring with an 18 carot diamond on it. Ever since he had started dating her after the 2012 Euros , Sergio had believed that Pilar was the one for him. And today he was going to ask Pilar to Marry him.

"Pilar, Baby I'm home!" He called out as he walked inside the house.

Sergio looked around but wasnt able to see his girlfriend anywhere.

After a few seconds Pilar appeared at the bottom of the stairs, causing her boy-friend to smile wide at her.

Pilar Rubio smiled weakly at the man before her, she still couldn't believe the he wanted to be with her, she was 8 years his senior and was surprised when the Sevillian had asked her to be his girl-friend.

"Pilar where are you?" A voice was heard from up stairs making the TV presenter gulp as foot steps made their way down stairs.

Soon enough a young man (But slighty older then Sergio) appeared next to Pilar making Sergio look at them both confused.

Pilar gulped again, and glared at the man next to her, knowing now he has made the situation a lot harder then it needed to be!

Sergio felt tears sting his tears, as he came to realise what was going on.

"Why?" His voice was barely even a whisper.

Pilar sighed; knowing it was now time to start telling the truth. In fact she didn't know why she hasn't told Sergio the truth sooner, instead of later....

"Sergio. There really isn't any easy way of saying this but I've fallen out of love with you, and just can't bring myself to love you again." Pilar's face saddened as she spoke.

"Que?" Sergio felt his heart shatter into a million tiny pieces, just couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I'm sorry Serg, you weren't supposed to find out like this! I had a plan to tell you and everythi-"

Sergio scoffed. "You had a plan to tell me? To tell what exactly? That while I've tried my hardest to be a loyal trustworthy boy friend, you've been cheating on me, behind my back!"

"No Serg, it wasn't like that! you are always away and I get so lonely, and well Ive known Rhordi for a while now..." Pilar pleaded, trying to reason with her broken boy friend.

"What? You don't think I get lonely at time too? Well guess what I do! But you don't see me whoring it up with anyone!" Sergio shouted making the now frightened lady and her lover, Rhode flinch.

Sergio narrowed his eyes at the pair. "Tell me this sweetheart; Did you ever love me?" He spat, disgusted at the woman opposite him!.

Pilar swallowed what felt like a lump in her throat "Of course I did!"

That caused the man next to her, to give her an odd look.

"But you told me, that you only with him for the fame!" Rhode spoke for the first time.

There was a lot of truth in what Rhode had said, although before 10 months ago Pilar had a lot of love for Sergio she was in fact very much in love with him, but another reason why she agreed to be his girl-friend, was due to all the publicity the WAGS get! And for once in her life Pilar wanted to know what it was like to have some one like Sergio in her life. She knew, she should have ended things with the footballer a while ago, but she just couldn't bring herself to see him heart-broken, and she really didn't want to say goodbye to all the fame and riches that come with being a WAG.

Sergio looked at the presenter/reporter in utter despair, before he shook his shook and looked to the ground, so the other two wouldn't see the tears falling.

"Get out." the Sevillian said after a while.

Rhode looked eager to get up but Pilar looked at Sergio in disbelief.

Sergio stared disgusted at the woman he once thought he loved:

"You heard me, pack your things and get the hell out of my house!" The footballer had finally had enough of the blasted woman!

Pilar felt tears roll down her cheeks as she clambered upstairs, only to be greeted by Rhode coming down the stairs with two suit cases.

Walking down the stairs, she felt the eyes of the man she once loved burn into her....

She looked around the house one final time before looking at her now ex-boyfriend through her tear swollen eyes, she couldn't believe this was happening...

After the cold stare, the Madrid player was giving Pilar, she couldn't even bring herself to say goodbye to him.

After Pilar left the house, Rhode followed in suit, only to have his arm grabbed by Sergio, the Venetian {Venice} stared at the Sevillian, before the younger man pulled something out of his pocket.

"Here." Sergio said handing the older man the small black box.

Rhode stared at Sergio in confusion.

Sergio shrugged: "You'll probably be needing it more then I will; even if its not with her!" His chocolate eyes quickly darting to the door. Sergio didn't blame the other man for what was happening and he wanted to make sure the Venetian had a secure future ahead of him.

Pilar.... On the hand, he didn't care what would happen to her. He just hoped she would get he comupence!

Rhode gracusiosly nodded at the other and gave him a small smile, before quickly departing the house, leaving the younger man alone with his thoughts.

In all his life, Sergio didn't think he had ever felt, so, so, hurt, betrayed, disappointed, lied to, and let down by someone.

Within his very being, he know he wasn't going to forgive Pilar. And he doubted he would ever find love again.

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