Chapter five: The girl

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Sergio wiped off the last tear, threatening to fall from his eyeball.

He sat on the changing room bench staring off into space. At first he didn't want to come play the game against Atlético Madrid, but with some persuading from his friend Iker Casillas he finally gave in.

Sergio wouldn't talk to Iker on the car ride to the Bernabèu and he certainly did not talk to anyone once they had arrived at the club's stadium.

Iker Casillas and Cristiano Ronaldo gave each other, very concerned looks, before turning their attention back to their dear, friend.

They were both worried about their friend. Cristiano found out about the Pilar-Ramos crises through his girl-friend, Russian model, Irina Shayk, who was a good friend of Pilars. And Iker knew because he was one of Sergio's best friends and the one the young defender could go to if he wanted or needed any help with anything.

Feeling eyes on him. Sergio looked up to his two friends with red puffy eyes.

Iker felt his heart break, seeing his friend like this. This wasn't right! He really wasn't happy with Pilar Rubio after what she had done to poor Sergio!

Iker also knew in order for Real Madrid to win the game today, they needed the number 4 Defender, and Iker knew he was going to have to bring his friend back into the real world.

Sergio felt a light tap on his shoulder as he turned to look at his good friend and other defender Pepe who looked at him sympifitiacally.

"Come on buddy we've gotta go play."

Sergio nodded, causing Pepe to give his fellow defender a sad smile.

Soon Sergio was up on his feet, and walking towards the door with.... Pepe, Marcelo and Karim Benezma.

Iker and Cristiano were the only ones left in the changing. Cristiano snapped his head at The Captain hearing him sigh.

Iker saw his curious eyes and sighed again: "I'm worried about him, Cris"

" Sergio? Yeah, aren't we all. I dread to think what went through that woman's head when she broke the poor mans heart." Cristiano sneered, feeling true hatred for the TV presenter.

Iker nodded his head but had to stop himself from shouting out. The captain had a secret. Due to his girl friends wishes, he had been letting Pilar stay in his house. He hated that he had let that woman into his house again. If she wasn't such good friends with Sara, Iker would be very much happy never to see Pilar Rubio Ferandez again! But Iker couldn't tell anyone about his secret hide-Away, not even Cris; in fear someone would tell Sergio!

Sergio had his arm around Iker and Benzema, singing their club song.

Sergio was a little bit happier, as football has always been Sergio's first love.

10 minutes into the game and Sergio thought he was about to cry as the first goal of the game had been been scored by Atletico Madrids Captain~Gabi Ferandez.

Another 35 minutes had passed and it was half time. Sergio was a little disappointed that Real hadn't even a chance of a goal.

After a couple minutes waiting the second half of the game started and Sergio came running onto the pitch again.

He felt someone ruffle his hair; turned around and saw Fàbio Coentrão.

Sergio gave the Portuguese Defendera small grin as was returned.

"Hey Sese have you seen that girl over there?"

Sergio looked and Fàbio confused "What girl? Look Fabs you know what happened, ok dude, I'm not interested."

Fàbio sighed and gave his friend a sad smile.

"Ramos... Just look for yourself ok, trust me!"

Sergio glared at the Portuguese then looked to where Fabio was pointing.

And there she was. The most beautiful girl he had ever seen!

Fàbio chuckled at how mesmerised his friend was at the unknown Beauty.

The Next thing Sergio knew another goal was being scored, he turned around and laughed at Cristaino was flat on the ground with all the Real Madrid players dog piling him.

Sergio laughed at the jolly sight and then flew into Cristiano's arms, who had just managed to stand up.

3 minutes before the end, sweat and dirt was clinging to Sergio's white clothes, as he repeatedly pushed his flop of hair out of his eyes.

He looked back at the mysterious beauty in the crowd, then turned his attention back to the game.

Miranda (Atl number 23) was running towards him with the ball steadily at his feet.

With a blink of the eye Sergio swiped the ball from Miranda's feet and ran half way down the pitch without anyone knowing what was going on.

When people did finally wrap their heads on what the hell happened Ramos had already passed the ball to Marcelo, who had passed the ball to Karim Benzema who then became trapped be the other teams defenders and was forced to pass back to Marcelo who then passed back to Sergio.

Sergio didn't know how it happened. But it did. He scored the winning Goal! The full-game whistle blew and it ended with 2-1 to Real Madrid.

Sub contionsly Sergio looked at the girl and smiled at how happy she looked.

Without thinking he lifted both his hands to his face, kissed them, then he held them up in the girl's direction. Earning gasps from all around the stadium and even on the pitch the only one who wasnt surprised at this was Fabio.

Sergio was about to leave the pitch with everyone else, but was pulled back by shocked, surprised and angry Iker Casillas and Cristiano.

"What the hell was that!?" Iker half yelled.

Sergio flinched a bit then shrugged his shoulders; leaving Cristiano and Iker in shock. And wondering what had got into their friend suddenly.

All Sergio Ramos knew was that he had to find out the name of the nameless girl!

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